Canada Backs Gay Marriage
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Canada Senate Backs Gay MarriageFirst off - HA! Take that you religious neo-conservative assholes! You guys wrecked marriage long before the gays came bursting flamboyantly out of the closet and into your face. The gays are now adding to the marriage statistics and rates, thus deflating the current rate of divorce...
So, exactly how is this violating the so-called "sanctity"of marriage? I don't know, but I know you guys did it when good old King Henry VIII decide that the Catholic Church was full of shit (which it is) and made his own to justify divorcing Catherine of Aragon. You see, the Catholic Church was being in character and NOT annuling the marriage...
Let's see - this woman was the widow of his brother, and during his 20 year marriage to this lovely wench from the Spanish court, he managed only to keep 2 mistresses... wow, such a good boy - no wonder many wish to emulate him.
Now then, let's skip back to current day, that's enough of a history lesson for now, unless you want me to go more into the 6 wives that this King of the Assholes kept...
King Henry VIII & His 6 Wives
You may consult the above provided link for further historical details about this.
Now, back to the issue at hand.
There are only 4 countries, who have seen the light and have fully acknowledged the human rights of gays and lesbians - The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Canada.
There are a handful of western European nations which have given similar rights to their homosexual population, short of marriage. These nations have provided the right to a civil union, adoptions and common-law partner benefits. While this is a step forward, it is still holding the carrot and dangling it; essentially saying "look, you want this?" and when they reach, it's take just out of their grasp...
It is still better than many other countries, for example, Niger. They've not only taken many steps back, but they've sentenced a a man to death for sodomy (for those of you who don't know, get out your bibles, or fail that, dictionaries). Or, even in the USA, where President Shrub is trying to outright ban homosexual marriage using a sacred document - the US Constitution. Oh how the Forefathers must be spinning in their graves on that one!
Then again, those Forefathers were the Quakers, Puritans and all the other so-called "persecuted" groups that came from England - though I'd be more inclined to believed sent into exile. After all, what country besides all those fucked up backwater countries, would've taken those religious zealots anyway? There was a good case made when the USA was cleverly dubbed "Jesusland" following the travesty of an election there.
Now, all that's missing is legalised marijuana - though it's nice to know that small amounts are ignored in this country. If the Netherlands isn't awashed in red-eyed hosers after passing a legilsation to legalise it, then, what exactly is the problem? Ah right; that damned feeding trough for the unprofittable and fiscally irresponsible so-called and failing "War on Drugs".
7/20/2005 10:17:00 a.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

I agree with you - no country is perfect. I have no problem with those who are ranting religious zealos and hardline Republicans. Oh and we're not the first; the order is: The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain then Canada (though Canada tabled it before Spain did and due to our parliamentary style, heavily British-influenced, as passed it after the Spanish did).
By A.I., at 12:43 p.m.
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