Bring the Boys Home!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"We will invite him again [to renounce Christianity] because the religion of Islam is one of tolerance," trial judge Ansarullah Mawlazezadah told the BBC on Sunday. "We will ask him if he has changed his mind. If so, we will forgive him."
Canada concerned over Afghan facing death for being a Christian
Ok, so, according to Shariah Law (based on the Qu'ran, the Holy Book of Islam), the Islamic faith is a tolerant one, so long as one is a Muslim. Thus, by this logic, if one has renounced Islam as a viable religion in favour of Christianity, which is the predecessor to Islam and the faith from which Islam gets its morals and some of its holy doctrines (among other elements), said person must be put to death, or return to Islam. Yet, this only furthers the argument that Islam is intolerant.
tol·er·ance n.
- The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
- Leeway for variation from a standard.
- The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.
- The capacity to endure hardship or pain.
- Medicine.
- Physiological resistance to a poison.
- The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.
- Acceptance of a tissue graft or transplant without immunological rejection.
- Unresponsiveness to an antigen that normally produces an immunological reaction.
- The ability of an organism to resist or survive infection by a parasitic or pathogenic organism.
Definition of TOLERANCE
The man who has been sentenced to death, Abdul Rahman, is living in Afghanistan, a place where many western nations have sent their troops in an effort to help rebuild the nation and bring them the gift of democracy, liberty and freedom. But, instead, they have clung to their old ways, much like those that prevailed under the Big Brother watch of the Taleban.
So, if this is what is going to happen when we help, why should we continue to help?
After all, Germany and Italy have the right idea; they're going to pull their troops should Mr. Rahman be sentenced to death simply because he has choosen to be a Christian.
On Tuesday, politicians from Italy and German signalled they are unhappy that a man could be put to death merely for being a Christian.
If there was ever a case to bring home the boys, this is it. The Harper government has decided that we're not going to 'cut and run' from this mission and we're going to see it through to the end. But, why should we now? Our efforts are going to be in vain. There are many people who would rather not see us there and there is many of us who would rather we pull out.
Why should we waste our taxpayer dollars on an effort that will not see any progress in a nation that insists in staying in the damn 'Dark Ages'. If they want to; let them! Hell, if the whole MidEast wants to, why don't we just pull the hell out and let them kill themselves. While we're at it, do the same thing with Africa.
The only 'needy' areas of the world that shows their willingness to work towards a more human rights-friendly future are Central America and South America. They may have a long, rocky road ahead of them, but they are trying and they don't kill each other for simply mind-boggling reasons, nor do they kill each other in annual civil wars that spill over into neighbouring nations.
After all, Colombia is playing a role in the so-called 'War on Drugs' (which by the way, I don't endorse because the damn thing has too many people in prison because of Marijuana use; which ought be made legal). Other nations have showed their progress; Chile has a woman president and other nations are trying.
But there is no such willingness in the MidEast and Africa. They're too damn conservative and stubborn.
I say - let them kill each other and when they are done playing their little war games, then we'll go help, but, why should we clean up their damn mess, if they're going to use 'religion' as a basis for their judicial actions?
Mind you, there are other places, like China and Russia that need work, but even still, they aren't half as barbaric. But, I've purposely excluded them for very simply reasons; our troops are stationed in their nations and they aren't using religion as a farce to justify their actions.
3/21/2006 06:53:00 p.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

I'm with you to some extent. Developed countries like those in the middle east should recieve no offensiev military support from us - only peacekeeping. Undeveloped and third-world countries should recieve our support though because their general populace is often at the mercy of mercenaries.
Seriously, if we don't meddle with violent countries then I presume they won't meddle with us. Let them decide when they are mature enough to join in relations with civilized countries.
Of course this will never while we rely on oil.
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