DST - Worst Idea Ever!
Friday, July 22, 2005
I don't mind jetlag when I travel. I expect that I'll have to go to a different time zone if I go beyond a certain point in the world, but to be one hour behind the assholeneighbours to the south for two months a year (and this is in the same time zone) is purely asinine.Of course, it isn't stupid to the morons who dreamt up this so-called "energy" saving legislation top extend daylight savings from March to November - ugh! No way. I already hate getting up early; so getting up in the dark unless it's to go to the bathroom or get a midnight snack is very unappealing.
The projected savings was a paltry amount; meant to just blanket the true cost of hydro use. The original concept is dated as it was brought in by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century as a means to reduce the usage of fuel for night-time activities requiring illumination. But with the invention of such ingenious modern conveniences like the light bulbs, switch and flashlight, the need for "daylight savings" is rendered obsolete at best. We don't keep expired food around, so why do we keep this? Old habits die hard...
U.S. backpedals on daylight saving.
Yesterday, in the face of mounting opposition, U.S. legislators scaled back their plans.
House and Senate negotiators now propose that the start of daylight saving be moved to the second Sunday in March. The end of daylight saving would be extended by only one week — to the first Sunday in November.
The U.S. legislators are also considering delaying the launch of their plan from this fall to 2007.
Though yesterday after making the rest of Canada and Mexico sweat the prospect of having to put our clocks in sync with theirs and automatically being able to know that daylight savings time has begun early. The US proposal had been cleverly hidden within the depths of another ill-thought out legislation (such as the renewal of the Patriot Act, basically giving it no due date; except on the two most controversial provisions, in which case, the date is ten years, which is still a hell of a long time).
As of now, the only "smart" Canadian province is Saskatchewan, who don't follow DST - as they actually think of someone or something beyond their human needs, wants and impulses. They don't use DST to prevent confusion amongst their skittish bovine population (which no doubtably probably out numbers them).
But in this age, "energy conservation" is a futile concept to enforce when there is such rampant use of street lights (and those in businesses), excessive use of central air-conditioning and of course, those gas-guzzling SUVs (which gum-up the works because the driver is suffering from egotism to boot).
If energy conservation was to be enforced, DST is not the way to go about it. It's just a window dressing on an otherwise futile attempt to curb our culture's excessive obssession and dependance on energy.
If we were concerned, we'd make SUVs a cardinal sin (well, what are you waiting for, Pope Benedict XVI? You've already condemned condom & contraceptives, violence, can't you do something smart and condemn SUVs? I'm sure given time, your predecessor would've).
Of course, that won't happen because the asshole who drive it are the rabid soccer moms (the same ones whose feathers were ruffled because of the hot coffee mod for GTA:SA), and the over-zealous narrow-minded right-wing Christians, and of course, the oblivious assholes who use cellphones while driving and believe that because they're in a "bigger" vehicle, it makes it safer (twats!)
[[DISCLAIMER: I'm not preaching about the need for anyone to use energy conservation because I'm not in the mood to power off my computer any time soon, but I will point out the flaws in the current logics before anyone decides to jump all over me for being uppity and preaching (aka - hypocritical).]]
7/22/2005 08:02:00 a.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

Sorry about that. But, why not? Even if we have the same general view point, our core opinions will vary slightly.
By A.I., at 12:14 p.m.
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