9/11 Conspiracy Theories, or... are they?
Monday, March 27, 2006
September 11, 2001: 2 airliners crash into the WTC (World trade Centres) in New York City, 1 into the Pentagon and another into a field in Pennsylvania. The official story says that there were Saudi hijackers involved and that these hijackers were members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qeada terrorists network.
These men had worked undercover to gain the knowledge they needed to carry out the attacks that resulted in the tragedy that is 9/11.
But... is that the whole story? Some say that it is and that there is no doubt about it. These people primarily hail from the Bush administration. They have something to gain from people's fears. After all, in times of war, people don't like change and heavily rely on a government to protect them.
What a convenient way of holding onto power.
So, if there is the 'power' issue, does this mean that there is more than we're being told? Quite possibly. There is evidence that shows that it is near impossible for the Pentagon to have simply been struck by a Boeing. The damage is inconsistant with damage that would've been caused by a plane of such magitude. One theory is that it was a missile that went in, or a much smaller aircraft, especially given that the hole in the Pentagon wall wasn't big enough to show that it had been indeed struck by a airliner.
The twin towers? Isn't nice the way that they just fell into a nice tidy pile on the ground>
And Flight 93? Into a field?
911 Loose Change 2nd Edition with extra footageWell, perhaps if you click the above, you'll see a video, a long but well constructed one that addresses these issues as well as others pertaining to the 9/11 attacks.
One might say that this blogger has fallen under the clever and misguided delusions of the liberal lefties who are out to destroy American values. However, I regret to say that I am sorry, but American values were being destroyed and continue to be destroyed by the conservative right.
Mind you, I am greatly intrigued by what the Loose Change documentary presents.
They do show quite the array of evidence that suggest government conspiracy.
They do outright state that while they have done their research, you should do your own and not take everything that say at face value. They're merely presenting the evidence that they have gathered.
Either way, their's is damn convincing...
Still stalling on clicking the links? Then perhaps here's a bit of enticing bedtime reading for you:
Strange Case Of The Black Box
And The Indestructible PassportAll four Black Boxes were supposedly destroyed and rendered unusable in spite of the fact that they are designed specifically for plane crashes which result in insurmountable conditions...yet one of the hijackers passports supposedly survives fire and heat of over 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and is found in perfect shape in the rubble around the WTC towers? What kind of idiots does the FBI take us for?
If you think this person is stupid, then perhaps you need to take a good long look in the mirror. After all, even if the boxes were destroyed, why would paper, an extremely flamable material not be destroyed? It is an interesting point, isn't it?
I suggest that you do click the last link and scroll down.
I find this information rather... fascinating.
So... You Wanna Talk Humane, eh?
Thursday, March 23, 2006
As everyone likely already knows, Canada has its national, annual seal hunt. It involves the beating and/or killing of a number of seals. The government insists that it is to help control the numbers, and no scientist has yet spoken up to defend the animal. If the numbers were much lower, then they might've actually called for an end to it.
Canada hunters head for seal cullYes, it seems inhumane, but it is it really that inhumane?
It seems that some of the people calling for the boycott and end to the hunt are from nations with track records that aren't known for their humane activities, whether towards animals or humans.
Britain has its long history of the 'Fox Hunt', and the US loves culling its population with the death penalty (oh and did I forget to mention the innocents in Iraq?)
And the French aren't so innocent either. They eat those poor helpless frogs! Why isn't anyone standing up for the little froggies when the French get that glint of hunger in their eye? And the snails? Those poor, poor sidewalk sliders...
Bring the Boys Home!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"We will invite him again [to renounce Christianity] because the religion of Islam is one of tolerance," trial judge Ansarullah Mawlazezadah told the BBC on Sunday. "We will ask him if he has changed his mind. If so, we will forgive him."
Canada concerned over Afghan facing death for being a ChristianOk, so, according to Shariah Law (based on the Qu'ran, the Holy Book of Islam), the Islamic faith is a tolerant one, so long as one is a Muslim. Thus, by this logic, if one has renounced Islam as a viable religion in favour of Christianity, which is the predecessor to Islam and the faith from which Islam gets its morals and some of its holy doctrines (among other elements), said person must be put to death, or return to Islam. Yet, this only furthers the argument that Islam is intolerant.
tol·er·ance n.- The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
- Leeway for variation from a standard.
- The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.
- The capacity to endure hardship or pain.
- Medicine.
- Physiological resistance to a poison.
- The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.
- Acceptance of a tissue graft or transplant without immunological rejection.
- Unresponsiveness to an antigen that normally produces an immunological reaction.
- The ability of an organism to resist or survive infection by a parasitic or pathogenic organism.
Definition of
TOLERANCEThe man who has been sentenced to death, Abdul Rahman, is living in Afghanistan, a place where many western nations have sent their troops in an effort to help rebuild the nation and bring them the gift of democracy, liberty and freedom. But, instead, they have clung to their old ways, much like those that prevailed under the
Big Brother watch of the Taleban.
So, if this is what is going to happen when we help, why should we continue to help?
After all, Germany and Italy have the right idea; they're going to pull their troops should Mr. Rahman be sentenced to death simply because he has choosen to be a Christian.
On Tuesday, politicians from Italy and German signalled they are unhappy that a man could be put to death merely for being a Christian.
If there was ever a case to bring home the boys, this is it. The Harper government has decided that we're not going to 'cut and run' from this mission and we're going to see it through to the end. But, why should we now? Our efforts are going to be in vain. There are many people who would rather not see us there and there is many of us who would rather we pull out.
Why should we waste our taxpayer dollars on an effort that will not see any progress in a nation that insists in staying in the damn 'Dark Ages'. If they want to; let them! Hell, if the whole MidEast wants to, why don't we just pull the hell out and let them kill themselves. While we're at it, do the same thing with Africa.
The only 'needy' areas of the world that shows their willingness to work towards a more human rights-friendly future are Central America and South America. They may have a long, rocky road ahead of them, but they are trying and they don't kill each other for simply mind-boggling reasons, nor do they kill each other in annual civil wars that spill over into neighbouring nations.
After all, Colombia is playing a role in the so-called 'War on Drugs' (which by the way, I don't endorse because the damn thing has too many people in prison because of Marijuana use; which ought be made legal). Other nations have showed their progress; Chile has a woman president and other nations are trying.
But there is no such willingness in the MidEast and Africa. They're too damn conservative and stubborn.
I say - let them kill each other and when they are done playing their little war games, then we'll go help, but, why should we clean up their damn mess, if they're going to use 'religion' as a basis for their judicial actions?
Mind you, there are other places, like China and Russia that need work, but even still, they aren't half as barbaric. But, I've purposely excluded them for very simply reasons; our troops are stationed in their nations and they aren't using religion as a farce to justify their actions.
Cynicism Brews Apathy
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Students dismiss promiseWhile the 9,100 faculty and staff continue their strike, the students are left out in the cold.
While the province sits on its hands and refuses to intervene, the students are left with uncertainty in their future.
The only voice for the students is the Canadian Federation of Students but even they are going unheard because politicians have their heads stuck too far up their ass. Queens Park is ignoring it like it always does and Ottawa won't stop this ethics issue for two minutes to make a national case of this.
There are students in the 24 colleges here in Ontario that aren't all from this province; many are from out of province and in some cases, even other countries, and our federal government isn't pushing the Ontario provincial government to get off its ass, which in turn needs to force the two sides back to the table.
There are still no talks scheduled to end the walkout by 9,100 faculty and staff that began last Tuesday.
Colleges and Universities Minister Chris Bentley has rejected calls to get directly involved to help end the dispute.
But it just isn't happening and what's worse is that we're now in week two and there is no end in sight.
And... adding pain to suffering, the striking staff and faculty receiving strike pay!
Having been through a teacher's strike when I was in grade 10 (thank you Harris for driving the teachers to that poibnt by ignoring their demands then legislating them back to work when they actually have legal grounds to strike), I can't say I'm thrilled about another strike...
But, I'm not going to worry about it, nor am I going to rejoice. There is no point in either because this is beyond my control. The most I can do is write to my local paper, my MPP and write here.
So Many Assholes, So Little Time...
Friday, March 10, 2006

I don't know where to begin...
I mean, we've got 'Prime Minster' Stephan Harper telling the Ethics Commission, Ben Shapiro that he's going to 'not co-operate' with the investigation into David Emerson's choice to cross the floor, two days following the federal election.
He's up in arms because Scott Brisson who crossed the floor in 2003 didn't get investigated by the Ethics Commissioner. Mind you, the post was created in 2004, so, it would've been unconstitutional, unless there were viable grounds, to investigate his choice to switch parties.
And, then there was Belinda Stronach. She crossed the floor in 2005, when there was the Gay Marriage bill before the House of Commons. At the time, she was in direct conflict with her party's mandate and she didn't agree with Harper on many policies, and hence, joined the Liberals because she felt they better represented her views.
She then stood for re-election in the Aurora-New Market riding in the most recent election and her constituants voted to send her back to Ottawa for another term.
Meanwhile, we have Emerson who crossed the floor on a blatant offer from Harper and the Conservatives following a campaign in which they promised to end the 'culture of entitlement' and 'clean up parliament' and implement Justice Gomery's suggestions on how to make the system more 'accountable'.
It looks like 'accountability' only matters when you're trying to take down the Liberals...
NDP wants Stronach switch also probed Harper has maintained an iron grip on his cabinet and caucus since the election, Easter noted, and Obhrai - as a parliamentary secretary - must be considered to be speaking for the government.
"This kind of character assassination can only be sanctioned by Mr. Harper himself."
The salvos are the latest in an unseemly dispute that outside observers say reflects poorly on everyone from Harper to Shapiro and a variety of MPs.
"Stephen Harper's hypocritical appointment to cabinet of the dishonest, party-switching David Emerson is being matched by hypocritical and dishonest criticism from the opposition parties," said Duff Conacher of the non-partisan Democracy Watch.
"Canadians should be disgusted by the prime minister's and Emerson's actions, but also by the opposition parties' defence of the incompetent, biased ethics commissioner."
The brouhaha began quietly enough a week ago when Shapiro announced a "preliminary inquiry" into both Harper and Emerson under the conflict of interest rules for MPs.
The investigation was prompted by Liberal and New Democrat MPs, who argued that Emerson's floor crossing worked to his personal benefit because of the increased salary and perks of a cabinet post and was therefore an illegal inducement.
"If it's wrong to offer somebody $50,000 to cross the floor, why is it not wrong to offer $50,000 per year plus a car and driver to cross the floor?" New Democrat MP Pat Martin said Friday.
"It's a simple question."
By that measure, Stronach and Emerson's sudden defections are "so similar that they just cry out for being dealt with in the same investigation," he said.
Just a nice little highlight of the new government we've got.
Paul Martin's Liberals were a far more ethic bunch than Harper's Conservatives.
Martin's Liberals were never involved in the Ad-Scandal any Liberal who was, was subsequently relieved of his duties. It was Martin who called for the inquiry and it was Martin who actually apologised to the Canadian public for the Liberals. Remember his little speech?
All Harper done is stuck it to the Canadian public.
To the 36% Canadians who voted for the Conservatives - I hope you're happy with yourselves. You made your bed, now you sleep in it!
Like a good Lemming...
Friday, March 03, 2006

So... just what is that image above? Well... if you click this link, like nature compels you to, you'd know that it is an image of the most commonly appearing words in my blog outside of the 100 most common words (including everybody's favourite grammar type, the conjunction):
Snapshirts Utility.
After you visit, you know what you've got to do next... post the image in
your blog like the good lemming that you are. After all, when one of us jumps off a cliff, the whole pack has a natural compulsion to follow.