9/11 Conspiracy Theories, or... are they?
Monday, March 27, 2006
September 11, 2001: 2 airliners crash into the WTC (World trade Centres) in New York City, 1 into the Pentagon and another into a field in Pennsylvania. The official story says that there were Saudi hijackers involved and that these hijackers were members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qeada terrorists network.These men had worked undercover to gain the knowledge they needed to carry out the attacks that resulted in the tragedy that is 9/11.
But... is that the whole story? Some say that it is and that there is no doubt about it. These people primarily hail from the Bush administration. They have something to gain from people's fears. After all, in times of war, people don't like change and heavily rely on a government to protect them.
What a convenient way of holding onto power.
So, if there is the 'power' issue, does this mean that there is more than we're being told? Quite possibly. There is evidence that shows that it is near impossible for the Pentagon to have simply been struck by a Boeing. The damage is inconsistant with damage that would've been caused by a plane of such magitude. One theory is that it was a missile that went in, or a much smaller aircraft, especially given that the hole in the Pentagon wall wasn't big enough to show that it had been indeed struck by a airliner.
The twin towers? Isn't nice the way that they just fell into a nice tidy pile on the ground>
And Flight 93? Into a field?
911 Loose Change 2nd Edition with extra footage
Well, perhaps if you click the above, you'll see a video, a long but well constructed one that addresses these issues as well as others pertaining to the 9/11 attacks.
One might say that this blogger has fallen under the clever and misguided delusions of the liberal lefties who are out to destroy American values. However, I regret to say that I am sorry, but American values were being destroyed and continue to be destroyed by the conservative right.
Mind you, I am greatly intrigued by what the Loose Change documentary presents.
They do show quite the array of evidence that suggest government conspiracy.
They do outright state that while they have done their research, you should do your own and not take everything that say at face value. They're merely presenting the evidence that they have gathered.
Either way, their's is damn convincing...
Still stalling on clicking the links? Then perhaps here's a bit of enticing bedtime reading for you:
Strange Case Of The Black Box
And The Indestructible Passport
All four Black Boxes were supposedly destroyed and rendered unusable in spite of the fact that they are designed specifically for plane crashes which result in insurmountable conditions...yet one of the hijackers passports supposedly survives fire and heat of over 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and is found in perfect shape in the rubble around the WTC towers? What kind of idiots does the FBI take us for?
If you think this person is stupid, then perhaps you need to take a good long look in the mirror. After all, even if the boxes were destroyed, why would paper, an extremely flamable material not be destroyed? It is an interesting point, isn't it?
I suggest that you do click the last link and scroll down.
I find this information rather... fascinating.
3/27/2006 01:16:00 a.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

I've heard the theory that the Bush commercial empire (Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, etc.) saw a manufacturing threat in the middle east - terrorists who terrorize countries besides the US would have been able to purchase their weapons from companies the Bushes had no stake in - and that this was the reason for war in Iraq. But the American people needed to be convinved that the war was justified so the homeland attacks were staged and pinned on a visible minority.
With so much call for open source solutions to voting, I wonder how long until federal investigations will be privvy to public scrutiny? Probably never, but the outcry for such practises will increase.
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