BC Marijuana Party Leader Target of US Ignorance
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Ok, between the Danes trying to get their sticky fingers on Hans Island and the bloody Yanks demanding the extradition of a Canadian man on "allegations", anyone would get irate over it.
I'll degress - the Danes have something of a legitiment claim, as the island doesn't actually belong to anyone (let's just divide it in half and call it a day). But, the US should just back the hell off. The man in question broke the law on Canadian soil and never did so on American soil, just because they've got a problem with grass south of the border.
U.S. seeks extradition of Canadian pot crusaderVancouver police armed with a search warrant have raided a pot-seed store run by Marc Emery, the head of the B.C. Marijuana Party.
The warrant was executed on behalf of the U.S. government.
It seems that Emery is selling seeds... SEEDS! It's like charging a pharmacists who sells a lot of cough medicine to someone who winds up making Crystal Meth with a crime. The person didn't actually sell the drug; there is no solicitation involved.
The document alleges a conspiracy to produce marijuana and distribute seeds as well as alleging money laundering.
Conspiracy, eh? Between this and the GTA:SA investigation being launched on request of Congress, I have to muse over how much free time the damn American government has. They're going after a Canadian citizen, who probably isn't even any more guilty than many others who have helped in the actual exporting of the so-called contraband.
"Their activities resulted in the growing of tens of thousands of marijuana plants in America. He was involved, allegedly, in an illegal distribution of marijuana in this country [U.S.]. He is a drug dealer," assistant U.S. attorney Jeff Sullivan told CBC News.
Uhm...ok, and how much crack have you been smoking? That is the stupidest crap I've ever heard.
First - he sold the seeds in Canada, and if an American brought them back home and border security didn't stop them, it isn't our problem!
Second - the man sold seeds, how is this helping with the illegal distribution, since it requires growers, who can get their own seeds from the growing process, since plants have to produce seeds in order to continue the natural cycle of life.
Third - there are others who could've sold the seeds. The other sellers could've very well been in Vancouver. There are plenty available out there. The seeds could've been transported over there from another place in the country, from another grower.
U.S. officials allege that Emery has sold as much as $3 million in seeds.
This Canadian alleges that U.S. officials are blowing out their asses.
They don't even specify where the seeds have been sold! Many of them could've been sold here and they're bringing their unjust war on drugs north of the border.
Of course, this isn't as bad as some of the other crap they've done to Canadians and their land... I could list the offences, but, I'm sure that those reading this are informed of American atrocities across the world.
IRA Leads by Example
Thursday, July 28, 2005

It seems that while the IRA (Irish Republican Army), we've heard nothing about the Protestant-based militias offering up the same thing and their political arm whines and bemoans such; the incessant tone overtly infantile. This occurs while they forget about their past sins against the Irish Catholics and their lack of compassion.
The struggle has been going on since the middle of the Great War, or rather WWI (World War 1), when the Catholics finally grew some balls and decided that enough was enough. The original uprising, the 1916 Easter Uprising, which happened in Dublin (which is now in the southern part of the island and free from British rule), was the first time the IRA (then Irish Citizen Army) showed its teeth and defied the British.
1916 Easter RisingIndepth: Northern Ireland(Since there are a lot of details involved and my explanation will likely be partially inaccurate, the above link, while disgustingly British, it being the BBC is not too bias against the Irish Catholic plight.)
As a sign of progression, the IRA had made a statement, which comes into effect at 4pm GMT (11am EST), that while they are disarming to comply with a ceasefire and help foster positive conditions for peace, it won't disband. After all, if it's peaceful and political (like Sinn Fein), it has every right to remain in tact if it is unarming itself.
All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms. All Volunteers have been instructed to assist the development of purely political and democratic programmes through exclusively peaceful means. Volunteers must not engage in any other activities whatsoever.
The IRA leadership has also authorised our representative to engage with the IICD to complete the process to verifiably put its arms beyond use in a way which will further enhance public confidence and to conclude this as quickly as possible.
Statement in full]
This had been observed by witnesses from both churches in NI.
Now then, there are unreasonable demands from the Protestant Parties, one in particular, the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party). They've not only zealously insisted upon the full disarmament of the IRA (as well as photographic evidence of the caches being destroyed) but the bloody wankers haven't even so much as told the Protestant militias that they must subjegate themselves to such humiliating actions.
Why should they? They aren't the IRA, despite that they are also the asshole who are those who march through the Catholic neighbourhoods of Belfast to incite hatred and spark conflict by rubbing a past victory in the face of the Catholics. It's just proof they're losing and they need to use history to make themselves feel like big men, instead of the petty arse-wipes they are.
"It has taken the IRA a long time to get to this point so nobody can expect us in a matter of weeks or a matter of months to say this is over," said a spokesman from the Democratic Unionist Party.
DUP leader Ian Paisley last year demanded the IRA show photographed proof of it destroying its arms caches, but the IRA objected to the "humiliation" and the issue unravelled the Good Friday deal's joint governing assembly.
IRA declared end to armed conflictIt seems he's not calling on the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) to do the same thing; making him a bloody wanker; a hypocrite of the nth degree.
Finicky Animals...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Every good cat owner knows that their kitty is special in some way and has its own unique tastes. It is also commonly accepted amongst cat owners that the cat is a very picky and very finicky eater. Why? Because it's a cat! Well, at least that's always been the generally accepted explanation, until recently. Within the last while, scientists have taken it upon themselves to study our furry feline friends and have discovered the root of the cat's finicky nature - it lacks a gene that allows it to taste sweet food.
Read more »
Vatican is Operated by Arcane Laws
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
And yet, many women, a couple of Canadian women in particular, feel that the Vatican's outdated policies are truly outdated and have decided it's more amusing to risk their hides than to fall into the traditional roles of submissive obedience. These obstinate bishops, priests and such frowned upon the ordination of women in the same manner they frown upon homosexuality, contraceptives and other issues which don't fall into perfect synchronous with church mandate.
Catholic women secretly ordained.
The women, including two Canadians, say the ordination will follow Vatican procedures.
But church officials have strongly objected to such ceremonies in the past. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, excommunicated seven women in 2002 after they were ordained.
Those excommunitions must've made him feel like a big man; one suffering from the throes of small penis syndrome. Either that, or the celibacy was really getting to him at that point.
We all know the true reason why women aren't ordained - the men would have to start behaving properly and the church would be forced to massively reformed. It would require a small reformation for allowing the entrance of women as something more than humble nuns. But for these men, this is one of the last remainig elements in the western world that permits such overtly blatant sexism without crying "FIRE!".
Michele Birch-Conery of British Columbia is also expected to be ordained Monday. She said Ratzinger's actions encouraged her to emulate women who have already taken part in the ceremony.
"To see how these women came to live with their faith while respecting the beliefs of others moved me deeply," said Birch-Conery, a former nun. "I immediately felt in solidarity with them. I have always practised my faith on the fringes. But now I realize that there is more and more of us on these fringes."
The Protestant divisions of the Christian church, have seen this as progression towards equality (one of the few good things I have been able to say in the recent months; then again, it isn't one of the wings therein associated with the radical fringe movement of Bible-thumpers of the evangelical genre). They've also permitted, in a few denominations, the ordination of women as priests.
Catholic women `ordained' amid Church disapprovalMike Catanzaro, a pastor at a Presbyterian Church, drove from Canton, N.Y., to support Rue. "The world is about to change today," he said.
It seems like the world for the Presbyterians didn't end when women could be begin preaching.
Politically, such as in the case of the Sponsorship Scandal (Gomery Inquiry), that when just men are involved, the conditions are rife for rampant neptism and corruption. While women are equally as suseptible to corruption as men, in the poltical arena, it has been typically shown that with women present, the risk of corruption is reduced.
Perhaps the sex scandal within the walls of the Vatican could've been curbed... If only they had allowed women the same rights as men. If only they had loosened the steep genitilia requirements, perhaps they wouldn't be facing the same problems they are today.
Icy Relations Over Frozen Isle
Monday, July 25, 2005
It seems that Canada and Denmark, while docile in their military affairs for the most part, picking not to fight over trivial matters, have continued to duke it out over a pitiful piece of land known as Hans Island. This little island is generally not habitable, or at least so for the average human being, and could be considered a frozen wasteland.
This island and some others are situated between the semi-automonous Greenland (which has a local Danish name) and Ellesmere Island (one of and very frozen desolate islands in the Arctic Ocean in northern Canada, along the Nares Strait.
[courtesy of CBC news: Diplomatic dispute over Arctic heats up.]Canada, Denmark bicker over desolate, Arctic isle.
This makes it clear that our countries truly have too little time on their hands if they have to bicker over some little island in the middle of nowhere in the coldest, most inhospitable regions of the earth.
Denmark says it will send a protest letter to Canada over a minister's visit to an Arctic island off northwestern Greenland, which is claimed by both countries.
Canadian Defence Minister Bill Graham set foot on the 1.3-square-kilometre Hans Island last week, saying his country has always regarded it as Canadian territory.
Denmark also claims the island, which is roughly 1,100 kilometres south of the North Pole.
While we have yet to actually start a war using our militaries, a war of eloquant words have been sugar-coating the sentiments while expressing utmost discontent with the other's insistance that this puny island belongs to their country. Of course, that's not to say that neither country hasn't put its military presence in the area on occassion.
The Danes have sent naval vessels into the area and Canadian troops have been on that soil.
There have been separate incidents in which both countries have raised their national flag over the island, first by the Danes in 1984 and recently by the Canadians, preceeding a visit by Defence Minister, Bill Graham.
Canada and Denmark agreed in 1973 to create a border through Nares Strait, halfway between Greenland, a semi-autonomous Danish territory, and Canada's Ellesmere Island.
But they were unable to agree which country would have sovereignty over Hans Island and various other Arctic islands in the area. In the end, they decided to work out the question of ownership later.
This is truly pathetic; neither can agree on the sovereignty of a bunch of small insignificant islands. They ought to just flip a coin and the winner gets Hans Island and the rest are divied up between the two countries. Of course, then, we'd get the issue of which coin to use...
Oh hell, just give the bloody islands to the Danes; Canada has plenty of frozen islands to go around... After all, the Inuit can't inhabit ALL of these islands now, can they? They just aren't fit for human use.
Feminism isn't About Women's Superiority...
Sunday, July 24, 2005
There is a clear difference between the feminism of the 19th century and the feminism that is springing up around the modern world, and that which is rampant in many developed countries such as Canada and the USA. The militant version of feminism, best known as femini-nazism seeks to set women above men, where as feminism isn't about setting women above men, but rather making political and civil rights as well as equality available for both men in all aspects of life.
While men and women are different, their rights, under the feminist mandate accepts that while seeking to make a culture of acceptance, tolerance and equality. This seems elusive to many women (and some men, as both can be equally oppressed) in the rest of the world.
This concept has been embraced by the Umoja womenfolk of Kenya, who fled their male-opressors, after being shunned within the cold embrace of their own cultural ghetto. Upon fleeing they set up something of a makeshift shelter in the form of a village, making something of a gynocracy.
No men allowed in village of women.
While it is a haven for both girls and women of vicious circumstances, it is a matriarchy, with a female at the head of the village, and with no men around (except in a local village, which had been acting as a rival tribe, though of the same heritage - bloody male-egotism), they have allowed for females to come in and feel safe.
Rebecca Lolosoli, the matriarch at the head of this village was one of the origibal women banished from her home village on ludicrous allegations by the overbearing patriarch that presided with a head fist over the village and over the women.
What started as a group of homeless women looking for a place of their own has become a successful and happy village in northern Kenya. About three dozen women live here and run a cultural centre and camping site for tourists visiting the adjacent Samburu National Reserve.
With the money they collected from their ventures, the women were able to eat well, send their children to school for the first time and reject male demands for their daughters' circumcision and marriage. They even hired men to haul firewood, traditionally women's work.
They became so respected that troubled women — some beaten, some trying to get divorced — started showing up in Umoja. Then, Lolosoli was invited by the United Nations to attend a recent world conference on gender empowerment in New York.
The strength displayed by the ousted women enabled them to do more than they thought. Their popularity has allowed them to throw off the shackles of negative traditional values; such as forced marriage and female circumcision, which unlike the male, is generally unsafe and better known as female genital mutilation due to the lack of proper surgical procedure and safety.
They have begun a process of empowering the younger generation through education. Knowledge is power and with this power, the women have been able to steer their daughtes' future in a better direction, much to the dissatisfaction and irritation of the neighbouring all-male village (or patriarchy).
The men of the nearby village of course aren't happy. These are their women! And these women have rised up against them - sacrilege! Of course, the men didn't have the same ability to rise up from the ashes of death like the phoenix, so, there was a certain amount of jealous to be expected.
The men in the rival village also attempted to build a tourist and cultural centre, but were not very successful.
The men have been growingly unable to control what they've always believe what theirs. But, that's what happens when you push away something that you hold close to you; it changes and not in ways one would expect.
A package of new laws has been presented to Kenya's parliament to give women unprecedented rights to refuse marriage proposals, fight sexual harassment in the workplace, reject genital mutilation and prosecute rape, an act so frequent that Kenyan leaders call it the nation's biggest human rights issue.
The most severe penalty would chemically castrate repeatedly convicted rapists and send them to prison for life.
Of course, the government is always around to assist with the "betrayal" process. The Kenyan government has turned its back on the men and decided to take a radical step forward and provide women with the same basic rights many of their western counterparts take for granted and their local counterparts dream for but know it is just a fleeting dream, or is it?
It's just a window dressing on progression to appease the UN, or maybe not. It seems like it's the real deal. However, I won't put my money on it until I see it in practice. However, women who step outside of the long-arm of the law to make a safe-haven are making an impact on the rest of the society, by not breaking the law but showing that there is no turning back after a certain point, and that point was inthe 19th century with such trend-setting women as Nellie McClung, Suzanne B Anthony and many others.
There is hope...
Eleven years after the genocide in Rwanda, in which an estimated 800,000 people were killed, women in the country hold 49 per cent of the seats in the lower house of parliament. Many of them are war widows who have said they felt compelled to rise up in protest after male Hutu leaders presided over the 1994 slaughter of Tutsi tribal members and moderate Hutus.
...even if it takes genocide to bring about regime change. Rwanda has shown it is taking a step in the right away, even if there are numerous human rights violations. But, with women holding half of the seats in a lower house, change is inevitable and it'll be for the better. Both agendas are going to be equally represented.
Rationalising Ignorance
Saturday, July 23, 2005
We've all heard the standard bullshit run of the mill excuses for not wanting to marry homosexual couples (you know, that religious tripe being spewed by the Bible-thumping rednecks of the world), and the like that it'll wreck the institution of marriage... (see an earlier rant for a detailed covering on this).
But, never before has a province used the wording excuse to cleverly weasel out of marrying a homosexual couple. That was, until Prince Edward Island (PEI, Canada) was one of the two provinces (and territories).
P.E.I. at a loss for words over same-sex marriage.
So, the officials, being the lazy potato farmers they are, left the changing of the wording of the civil ceremony documents until the last minute and now are left scrambling because they can't fulfill their new obligations that have been given Royal Assention - in other words, legalised.
"We were consulting about whether or not we could just scratch out the words husband and wife, bride and groom, and maybe just put spouse and spouse," the province's attorney general, Mildred Dover, told CBC News.
"We're not even sure what words you'd use."
This is just an excuse to piddle around the tree and alienate the homosexual population. This is a very good tactic, though very different from that which has been employed by Alberta. Rather than refusing to marry homosexuals, since that is now illegal, the province is trying to get out of the marriage business and leave it strictly to the churches, whom under Bill C-38, are not legfally bound by law to unite in matrimony homosexuals couples. They, nevertheless, may do so voluntarily.
The only other two areas, the two northern territories of Nunavut (who while not allowing gay marriage in the territory have recognised out of territory licenses) and the Northwest Territories, are the only other ones before the passage of Bill C-38 to not have it on the books. The Yukon Territory did.
However, this piddling is very childish and infantile in the face of true intolerance, as currently being vehmanently displayed by the ever-religious hellhole of Iran.
There are no words to describe the horror of such intolerance...
Iran Executes 2 Gay Teenagers"Homosexuality is illegal, those charged with love-making are given a choice of four deathstyles: being hanged, stoned, halved by a sword, or dropped from the highest perch"
This is the justification for their actions. This is giving every bloody bible-thumping redneck Christian wetdreams. My wager is that Conservative leader Harper would love nothing more than a chance to do that. He just can't come out and say it because it'll be political suicide. Then again, he already started to commit it when he made it publically known that he'd use the NotWithStanding Clause (from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) to overrule Bill C-38.
Back on topic; this is just the exact kind of intolerance that the neo-conservative thrive off of. Their base, equally as uneducated rubes, drinks up this tripe, and makes for a perfect breeding ground of discrimination; too bad Nazi policies of utilising eugenics couldn't be applied to the stupid half of the population (aka, those damn fundamentalist and born-again Christians).
But, it seems that there is new fuel given to their argument as kindly provided by PEI - the excuse that the books haven't been changed to reflect the new wording in order to marry people of the same sex. Seems harmless, doesn't it? After all, no one has come right out and made a statement of intolerance. This is just a window dressing on blatant discrimination and some are buying it.
And ESRB Aren't the only assholes...
Friday, July 22, 2005
It seems that there is now an attorney from Miami, Jack Thompson who has taken it upon himself to go after EA Games, the makers of the extremely popular and best-selling game, The Sims 2 (they are affiliated with Maxis, who were the geniuses behind the original Sims).
Sims 2 content "worse than Hot Coffee"Well, this only affirms what I said in my rant about the GTA:SA change in rating - American censors are ignorant assholes who have never played the game themselves, as well as those who avocate for the censor of the game itself.
So, this Thompson asshole has managed to prove himself to be extremely ignorant, even if he is seemingly "educated" and even then I question his qualifcations as a competant human being, as he seems to apparently lack a very key feature that is found in the standard non-deluxe floor model - a cognitive process.
Before I quote this loud-mouth ignorant feces-spewing malcontent, allow me to explain to the innocent masses what exactly is Sims 2...
It's a simulation game, in which you control one or more sims (whether as friends, family, etc...) in a house, or in a dormitory (as allowed in the university expansion). These sims are tailored to look as you wish (when you first use CAS - Create a Sim). But, since sims can have babies and adopt, the family changes appearance over the generations.
Sims depending on age can participate in a wide variety of activities. They can marry, have children, divorce, play games (such as and not limited to, pool, darts, MYSHUNO, chess, redhands), cook (the variety depends on cooking ability and age; children can only cook using a child's toy oven).
They also have their own little quirks like humans, and require food, fun, hygeine, socialisation and rest to be happy.
To be socially happy, they need friends, which can come from the family or close colleagues.
Adults can marry, have a common-law partner, many partners, work, write best-sellers, and eventually retire. They also get little fun things like woohoo.
Teenagers can go to school, work part-time, have a semi-intimate relationship (everything but woohoo), go out and even more sinister - sneak out! If they have a bad home life they also run away.
Children are more limited, but they like the teens and adults have friends. They also go to school, play, and make mischief.
Toddlers are taught by thoughtful adults how to walk, talk and use the body.
Infants are just little wailing diaper fillers whose only feature is that they are mildly cute.
The game is very innocent until you add mods (or hacks) which can alter the game play in very mild to severe ways (in some cases corrupting the files if one is not careful). These mods alter game play.
Now, without a mod, sims are generally, when nude, covered with the madatory "blur" grid, which in the case of males covers where the penis is, and for females, the breasts and vaginas.
With a simple piece of code placed into a start-up cheat file (placed in the Sims 2 directory in your My Documents, under config), you can remove the blur by setting the grid side to 0 (zero).
Now that I've explained this, here is what this blow-hard pulled out of the murky depths of his ass...
In the statement, Thompson says, "Sims 2, the latest version of the Sims video game franchise ... contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair."
Uhm... I have to wonder how much crack this ass was smoking because that is the more farfetched piece of tripe I have read since...well, reading the reasons for censoring, removing and re-rating GTA:SA and making the developers redo the code to remove the portion that contains (without a mod) an UNPLAYABLE minisex game.
This shit-spewing loud-mouthed arrogant malcontent then goes on to say,
It's not just the adults that are liberated from their wardrobes. Sims kids can also be nudified, "much to the delight, one can be sure, of pedophiles around the globe who can rehearse, in virtual reality, for their abuse."
I'd like to see how since the worse thing that can be done to sim children, which is pure neglect (from failing to send the child to school to not feeding them), gets them taken away by SimState (and put into an adoption pool). This removal process, however can be circumvented with a mod. However, the only thing that mod does is prevent the social worker from making a housecall. There is another similar mod, but it doesn't outright stop the social worker; it makes the social worker more reasonable, and so, the social worker just doesn't show up at the drop of a hat if the baby cries for too long.
Naked sim children have very genric bodies (boys and girls look the same). The only thing that sets them apart is the face and any other features, such as hair, skin and eye colour and shape.
I've seen requests to allow children to have crushes on other children, but all the hackers and modders on all the forums I go to (such as Various Simmers and ModtheSims2) flat out refuse to touch that, and these are the same people who have developed such hacks like teen-woohoo, anti-social worker, flamingo of doom, and various others.
To even get someone to mod it so that pedophiles could play out their perversion in a game would require a very amoral modder to take up the request, but there is no such thing as non-conseual woohoo in the game. The behaviour would have to be modified, and then the global variables for that may be uneditable and if modded, would make the game unplayable.
I'd seen modders refuse to make a hack that makes a teen pregnant by chance if she sneaks out with a male friend...
This asshole then goes out and flatout draws parallels between The Sims 2 and GTA:SA.
Thompson doesn't buy it. "The sex and the nudity are in the game. That's the point. The blur is an admission that even the 'Ken and Barbie' features should not be displayed. The blur can be disarmed. This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
So it's worse than the sex minigame, in which the player can watch, while almost fully clothed, intercourse, and yet, Barbie and Ken doll-like nudity is worse?! What the hell rock has this retard been hiding under, because he better damn well return to it before all the angry gamers come out of their parents' basements (forgive the stereotype) and chase him lynchmob style!
DST - Worst Idea Ever!
I don't mind jetlag when I travel. I expect that I'll have to go to a different time zone if I go beyond a certain point in the world, but to be one hour behind the assholeneighbours to the south for two months a year (and this is in the same time zone) is purely asinine.
Of course, it isn't stupid to the morons who dreamt up this so-called "energy" saving legislation top extend daylight savings from March to November - ugh! No way. I already hate getting up early; so getting up in the dark unless it's to go to the bathroom or get a midnight snack is very unappealing.
The projected savings was a paltry amount; meant to just blanket the true cost of hydro use. The original concept is dated as it was brought in by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century as a means to reduce the usage of fuel for night-time activities requiring illumination. But with the invention of such ingenious modern conveniences like the light bulbs, switch and flashlight, the need for "daylight savings" is rendered obsolete at best. We don't keep expired food around, so why do we keep this? Old habits die hard...
U.S. backpedals on daylight saving.
Yesterday, in the face of mounting opposition, U.S. legislators scaled back their plans.
House and Senate negotiators now propose that the start of daylight saving be moved to the second Sunday in March. The end of daylight saving would be extended by only one week — to the first Sunday in November.
The U.S. legislators are also considering delaying the launch of their plan from this fall to 2007.
Though yesterday after making the rest of Canada and Mexico sweat the prospect of having to put our clocks in sync with theirs and automatically being able to know that daylight savings time has begun early. The US proposal had been cleverly hidden within the depths of another ill-thought out legislation (such as the renewal of the Patriot Act, basically giving it no due date; except on the two most controversial provisions, in which case, the date is ten years, which is still a hell of a long time).
As of now, the only "smart" Canadian province is Saskatchewan, who don't follow DST - as they actually think of someone or something beyond their human needs, wants and impulses. They don't use DST to prevent confusion amongst their skittish bovine population (which no doubtably probably out numbers them).
But in this age, "energy conservation" is a futile concept to enforce when there is such rampant use of street lights (and those in businesses), excessive use of central air-conditioning and of course, those gas-guzzling SUVs (which gum-up the works because the driver is suffering from egotism to boot).
If energy conservation was to be enforced, DST is not the way to go about it. It's just a window dressing on an otherwise futile attempt to curb our culture's excessive obssession and dependance on energy.
If we were concerned, we'd make SUVs a cardinal sin (well, what are you waiting for, Pope Benedict XVI? You've already condemned condom & contraceptives, violence, can't you do something smart and condemn SUVs? I'm sure given time, your predecessor would've).
Of course, that won't happen because the asshole who drive it are the rabid soccer moms (the same ones whose feathers were ruffled because of the hot coffee mod for GTA:SA), and the over-zealous narrow-minded right-wing Christians, and of course, the oblivious assholes who use cellphones while driving and believe that because they're in a "bigger" vehicle, it makes it safer (twats!)
[[DISCLAIMER: I'm not preaching about the need for anyone to use energy conservation because I'm not in the mood to power off my computer any time soon, but I will point out the flaws in the current logics before anyone decides to jump all over me for being uppity and preaching (aka - hypocritical).]]
ESRB is Run by Mindless Androids
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Ah yes, and here children we have another shining example of pure all-round American idiocy at its best:
San Andreas rated AO, Take-Two Suspends Production.
Porn Patch forces Grand Theft Auto rewriteEDIT: So, now they're calling it a "porn" patch? Wow, how utterly ignorant! But, fortunately, I did chew them out on that. I sent a nice short letter to the editor of the Toronto Star, expressing similar views that I had expressed here earlier. Below is the letter I wrote to the editor. Hopefully I might finally get one published in the newspaper, even if it is a slightly scathing rant. (9:30am)
A 'patch' usually implies official status with the game. In the case of the article pertaining to the controversial mod that had been developed by a third part, which is against the EULA, (not mentined therein), the end user was exploiting code that was there and not removed because in later stages of game development, programmers leave in code to protect the rest. By removing large chunks of code, the rest of the program becomes prime season for bugs, and delaying the release. This is why they locked the code. The fact that a hacker exploited the code is not the responsibility of Rockstar. This third party violated the EULA, and therefore, since Rockstar never intended for it to be public and didn't wish to corrupt its code and send the code back to development. Further, the actual mod itself corrupts game files and when in use, the scene is hardly pornographic. The sex-scene (available with the hot coffee mod) is nearlY fully-clothed, and only a view of the girlfriend's chest.
Question: how many of these censors actually saw the hot coffee mod in use?And, for your amusement, a slightly less scathing ranting about the same thing at another blog. This one is probably better informed than mine and less rampant with blow-out-my-ass opinion.
GTA:SA ControversyORIGINAL: I'm no fan of Grand Theft Auto, let alone its newest incarnation of San Andreas, but I really hate censorship of any material on any level (short of censorship of scathing blatant racism/sexism/discrimination - that's just an excuse to be malicious using entrenched rights). And this frankly pushes their lack thereof common sense over the edge of fantasitical existance into the nothingness of oblivion.
The game in its purest form - fill to the rim to boot with mindless violence, carjacking, and illegal use of sex trade workers and the killing of police and public officials only earned the game an M rating. But yet, an inaccessible part of the code without the Hot Coffee mod, in which their is a minigame involving nearly full-clothed sex is enough to push the rating over to AO. That makes absolutely zero sense. Then again, there is a vague chance than a child might see a pair of uncovered titties - oh dear heaven, no! Will someone think of the children!
This is nothing short of a victory for the under-qualified parents of America who are too damn lazy to bother to try with some real parenting. They'd rather put a scapegoat in the spotlight to sugarcoat their incompetancies and severe short-comings.
This is also a victory for the Bible-thumping cognitive-process-deprived "sheep" aka Christians, who while prefer to preach to the populance about how they're going to hell, proceed to break every rule in the book. In their prefect world, the only thing rated AO is their precious (piece of crap; irrelevant 'doctrine') bible, but even then, it retains it's G rating as every has to read it. Last I checked, there were plenty of parts that were extremely unacceptable by ERSB standards for young children, especially in the Old Testament.
Further, if you read, you'll also realise that the so-called democrats have jumped aboard this momentum gathering bandwagon of ignorance; notably the lovely New York senator - Hilary Rotham-Clinton. Her case against this is that GTA:SA is just as bad as alcohol and fags for children. Wow - such tripe! I'm impressed, Clinton - are you a closet Republicrap by chance because you certainly have the leanings for it, just like every self-hating Democrat that exists now; like every damn fucking spineless Democrat that is keeling over for that damn chimp!
It seems that Clinton has decided that it is now open season on all violent video games. Wow, I wonder which one's next? One of those WWII games? They've got plenty of violence; hell, those games are nothing BUT violence. GTA:SA has missions in which you can avoid killing people; you don't have to use the prostitutes (who aren't roaming the game at a time a dozen). And as much as the cut-scenes were boring, there were plenty. I wonder if any of these people took the time to actually look at them...
Now we come to the losers, the first of which is Rockstar.
Unless one is totally deprived of any thought process, they'd realise that late in the development of the game, the removing of code is often a trying issue. By removing large segments of code, the program may become ripe with bugs. Fixing those bugs can massively delay release on a game that is otherwise in prime condition for public release, which is why Rockstar locked that section of their code.
The EULA makes it clear that third party modifications to the game itself makes the game impure and no longer the same version as the pure unmodified retail one. So, when the hot coffee mod was developed and released, the hacker who developed it was in clear violation of the EULA. Irregardless of whether or not Rockstar left the code in, the code is unplayable without the mod that corrupts saved files (given the player has failed to back up his/her saved games).
Next - to the Republicraps, capitalism is an important concept. They've stabbed their best friend in the back. Capitalism - aka retail - as taken a severe blow by the change in rating. They're going to have to (at least the major retail chain stores) pull the game from the shelf, but yet, if it had retained its M rating, it'd be sitting right next to all the lower rated games; explain that one to me. Seems inappropriate to leave it in a section where young eyes may gaze longingly upon and whine and bitch about a mod that then exploits part of a code that isn't actually utilized in the first place.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's rant.
Canada Backs Gay Marriage
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Canada Senate Backs Gay MarriageFirst off - HA! Take that you religious neo-conservative assholes! You guys wrecked marriage long before the gays came bursting flamboyantly out of the closet and into your face. The gays are now adding to the marriage statistics and rates, thus deflating the current rate of divorce...
So, exactly how is this violating the so-called "sanctity"of marriage? I don't know, but I know you guys did it when good old King Henry VIII decide that the Catholic Church was full of shit (which it is) and made his own to justify divorcing Catherine of Aragon. You see, the Catholic Church was being in character and NOT annuling the marriage...
Let's see - this woman was the widow of his brother, and during his 20 year marriage to this lovely wench from the Spanish court, he managed only to keep 2 mistresses... wow, such a good boy - no wonder many wish to emulate him.
Now then, let's skip back to current day, that's enough of a history lesson for now, unless you want me to go more into the 6 wives that this King of the Assholes kept...
King Henry VIII & His 6 WivesYou may consult the above provided link for further historical details about this.
Now, back to the issue at hand.
There are only 4 countries, who have seen the light and have fully acknowledged the human rights of gays and lesbians - The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Canada.
There are a handful of western European nations which have given similar rights to their homosexual population, short of marriage. These nations have provided the right to a civil union, adoptions and common-law partner benefits. While this is a step forward, it is still holding the carrot and dangling it; essentially saying "look, you want this?" and when they reach, it's take just out of their grasp...
It is still better than many other countries, for example, Niger. They've not only taken many steps back, but they've sentenced a a man to death for sodomy (for those of you who don't know, get out your bibles, or fail that, dictionaries). Or, even in the USA, where President Shrub is trying to outright ban homosexual marriage using a sacred document - the US Constitution. Oh how the Forefathers must be spinning in their graves on that one!
Then again, those Forefathers were the Quakers, Puritans and all the other so-called "persecuted" groups that came from England - though I'd be more inclined to believed sent into exile. After all, what country besides all those fucked up backwater countries, would've taken those religious zealots anyway? There was a good case made when the USA was cleverly dubbed "Jesusland" following the travesty of an election there.
Now, all that's missing is legalised marijuana - though it's nice to know that small amounts are ignored in this country. If the Netherlands isn't awashed in red-eyed hosers after passing a legilsation to legalise it, then, what exactly is the problem? Ah right; that damned feeding trough for the unprofittable and fiscally irresponsible so-called and failing "War on Drugs".
First Entry
Good day all.
This is my first new entry in a decent online blog. I had been using livejournal previous to this and I have out-grown it, as it no longer suits my needs and is far too popular for my liking. Also, this one is free of the assholes that once read my previous blog.
LJ Blog.
I have made my last post there. I'm officially done with it.
Now then, since this is my first entry, I feel obliged to say one thing - if anyone is easily offended by really radical left-wing POVs and anti-religion rants, then any subsequent entries you read may offend your senses, as I do rant very much when in the mood and seek to offend those who have offended me.