IRA Leads by Example
Thursday, July 28, 2005

The struggle has been going on since the middle of the Great War, or rather WWI (World War 1), when the Catholics finally grew some balls and decided that enough was enough. The original uprising, the 1916 Easter Uprising, which happened in Dublin (which is now in the southern part of the island and free from British rule), was the first time the IRA (then Irish Citizen Army) showed its teeth and defied the British.
1916 Easter Rising
Indepth: Northern Ireland
(Since there are a lot of details involved and my explanation will likely be partially inaccurate, the above link, while disgustingly British, it being the BBC is not too bias against the Irish Catholic plight.)
As a sign of progression, the IRA had made a statement, which comes into effect at 4pm GMT (11am EST), that while they are disarming to comply with a ceasefire and help foster positive conditions for peace, it won't disband. After all, if it's peaceful and political (like Sinn Fein), it has every right to remain in tact if it is unarming itself.
All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms. All Volunteers have been instructed to assist the development of purely political and democratic programmes through exclusively peaceful means. Volunteers must not engage in any other activities whatsoever.
The IRA leadership has also authorised our representative to engage with the IICD to complete the process to verifiably put its arms beyond use in a way which will further enhance public confidence and to conclude this as quickly as possible.
[Statement in full]
This had been observed by witnesses from both churches in NI.
Now then, there are unreasonable demands from the Protestant Parties, one in particular, the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party). They've not only zealously insisted upon the full disarmament of the IRA (as well as photographic evidence of the caches being destroyed) but the bloody wankers haven't even so much as told the Protestant militias that they must subjegate themselves to such humiliating actions.
Why should they? They aren't the IRA, despite that they are also the asshole who are those who march through the Catholic neighbourhoods of Belfast to incite hatred and spark conflict by rubbing a past victory in the face of the Catholics. It's just proof they're losing and they need to use history to make themselves feel like big men, instead of the petty arse-wipes they are.
"It has taken the IRA a long time to get to this point so nobody can expect us in a matter of weeks or a matter of months to say this is over," said a spokesman from the Democratic Unionist Party.
DUP leader Ian Paisley last year demanded the IRA show photographed proof of it destroying its arms caches, but the IRA objected to the "humiliation" and the issue unravelled the Good Friday deal's joint governing assembly.
IRA declared end to armed conflict
It seems he's not calling on the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) to do the same thing; making him a bloody wanker; a hypocrite of the nth degree.