American Has No Respect For Foreigners
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Yes, you read the title correctly.The American government has no respect for foreigners. Why? You're not a citizen, therefore, you're not a patriot and likely either a terrorist or a liberal; either way the government doesn't like you. Ok, so that is a slight exagerration, but, the lack of rights isn't.
The so-called land of the "free" and the home to "democracy" have no laws to protect those who pass through via airports. So it means, that if you even breath the wrong way, they can damn well do whatever they please, and that really isn't right, and it's a another nail driven into the coffin; another stain on their international image, which has hit a point lower than rock bottom these days.
Flyers passing through U.S. have few rights, Arar judge told
A senior lawyer for the U.S. government has told a judge hearing a lawsuit over Maher Arar's deportation to Syria that foreign citizens passing through American airports have almost no rights.
For those of you who don't know who Arar is, he is a Canadian-Syrian who was victim of America's wide-spread, ill-intended so-called "War on Terrorism". He was detained when travelling home to Canada from Syria via the US. He was detained on US charges and deported to Syria and NOT Canada, where he was held in prison for a period of time and subject to torture.
So it means, according to US lawyer, Mary Mason:
the U.S. government is interpreting its powers in such a way that passengers never intending to enter the U.S. connecting to international flights at U.S. airports must prove they are no threat and could be allowed to enter the country.
This applies to anyone of any ethnicity, religion etc passing through. It's really scary. Though, somehow is doesn't surprise me, since they did detain a cousin of mine (yes, a white all-Canadian girl), because she had dark eyes and hair (like her father). They did let her go after questioning her, but, that does scare me.
If passengers are deemed to be inadmissible, they have no constitutional rights even if later taken to an American prison. Mason told Judge David Trager that's because they are deemed to be still outside the U.S., from a legal point of view.
"Someone who's inadmissible is in the same category as the people that the CIA snatches and grabs from other countries," said Barbara Olshansky, a lawyer for the U.S.-based Center for Constitutional Rights, which is suing a number of U.S. officials on Arar's behalf.
Ah, yes, the face of the world's greatest "democracy".
So, this means, that if border security (customs) is in a pissy mood, and you look at them the wrong way, they can do whatever they so please. This is a clear sign of the abuse of power and this isn't right.
You know, it's really time other countries adopted the same policy, but only targetted American citizens, that way the international pressure would mount and maybe the US would stop being so ignorant and adopt a more international-friendly policy, even if it starts at a domestic level.
They ought to deport the Republicans to Canada and subject them to various sins such as forcing them to watch homosexuals have a discrimination-free (or almost) live style, force them to play GTA:SA and just about anything else that they go against, including depriving them of religion! Now THAT'S torture!
Ok, so that's a little stupid, but so is their policy for dealing with travellers going through and never intended to even stop in their country in the first place.
8/11/2005 11:30:00 a.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

If (and when) I take over Canada, it's going to be the first law I make, that and a law making marijuana legal! ^^
By A.I., at 1:02 p.m.
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