Anabolic Steroids vs Marijuana
Friday, August 05, 2005
[SOURCE: The Star - Theo Moudakis]
Take a moment to think about the meaning of the cartoon above and the message it's attempting to relay.
It seems rather trivial, but, it's pointing out a severe flaw with today's mentality and socially acceptable drug use versus that which has been stigamized.
Before taking any drug, one should be well aware of all the risks and side effects. For some drugs such as cannabis, their legal status poses more risk than use of the drug itself, as simple possession alone may lead to imprisonment.
Wikipedia: Drugs
One of those depicted represents the negative side of sports - the bad sportmenship. And yet, there is little stigma still attached to it and these athletes are idolised by many children today. But, yet, the original record setters never used the same performance enchancers to get into the hall of fame; many of them probably never dreamt of there ever being a hall of fame...
The Anabolic Steroids (not to be confused with Medical Steroids, which are used, even though rarely, to help the body, for example, accept a newly transplated organ) used by athletes have few positive effects. The drug is typically used to assist and foster muscle growth, stimulation of bone marrow (increasing red blood cell production rates), increased apetite...
Anabolic steroids are a class of natural and synthetic steroid hormones that promote cell growth and division, resulting in growth of muscle tissue and sometimes bone size and strength. Testosterone is the best known natural anabolic steroid, as well as the best known natural androgen.
However, the undesireable side effects are numerous...
Other side effects (some the opposite of intended effects) include elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels, severe acne, premature baldness, reduced sexual function, and testicular atrophy. In males, abnormal breast development (gynecomastia) can occur. In females, anabolic steroids have a masculinizing effect, resulting in more body hair, a deeper voice, smaller breasts, masculinized or enlarged clitoris (clitoral hypertrophy), and fewer menstrual cycles. Several of these effects are irreversible. In adolescents, abuse of these agents may prematurely stop the lengthening of bones (premature epiphyseal fusion through increased estrogen), resulting in stunted growth. Serious medical illness can result from extreme hormone use. Enlargement of the heart (the heart is a muscle and thus affected by the muscle-building qualities of the hormones) is a risk which increases the chance of an adverse cardiac event occurring in later life. Another health risk is long-term liver damage, particularly if the anabolic steroid compound is 17-alpha-alkylated in order to not be destroyed by the digestive system when taken orally.
Wikipedia: Anabolic Steroids
DISCLAIMER: The sources quoted are related to anabolic steroids and not medical. Do not let it influence your judgement if in the future your doctor suggests that you might need to take a medication which contains medical steroids. These are not the same as the anabolic form and do not induce many of the same negative side-effects
Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana), is a naturally occurring element in nature (read: plant). It requires, however, a delicate cultivation process to maximise the potency of THC in a recreational plant (hemp is derived from the THC-free marijuana plant).
Wikipedia: Cannabis [drug]
Like with any substance (or plant), marijuana does have undesireable side effects.
Contrary to the "information" given by the US Federal Bureau of Narcotics, marijuana does not make you insane, stupid (though it is temporary - read: while blitzed; any sober stupidity is naturally occurring)... The other warnings have also included that it can kill you and turn you into a murderer.
The negative side effects vary from user to user and depend on the potency of the dosage.
* Difficulty with working memory in some cases
* Dizziness
* Paranoia, agitation, and anxiety
* Irritability
* Tachycardia (Increased heart rate)
* Dry mouth
There are also a few very postive side-effects associared with smoking the plant. These side effects, however, are produced by the sativa cannabis plant (usually used recreationally).
* Mild euphoria, feelings of general well-being
* Relaxation or stress reduction
* Increased appreciation of humor, music and other art
* Holistic attention, introspection
* Enhanced recollection of episodic memory
There are some effects produced by the plant, which depend entirely on the situation.
* Increased awareness of sensation
* Initial wakefulness followed by drowsiness and lassitude
* Disruption of linear memory
* Increased awareness of patterns and color
* Increased or decreased verbalization
Marijuana is commonly associated with the Hispanic and Latino races of Central and South America. It is also associated with the Rastifarian movement and with Hindus. Ancient Jews, as well as Christians and Muslims, some historians believe, also made use of the plant for spiritual purposes.
Herb Hemp [for some interested facts]
And yet, marijuana is the evil here. What's wrong with this pciture?