Christmas: More than a break from work or Caption the Pic!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
It is also a break from the election campaign mudsling fest that has embraced the entire nation, forcing us into a tangled web of inanity. Or so one would hope. It seems the Liberals have decided to use a nice picture to paint the Bloc and Conservatives with the same tar brush.Harper says Liberal use of Holocaust event pic with Duceppe is 'beyond tasteless'
The photo shows Harper whispering to Duceppe during the Holocaust memorial last spring on Parliament Hill, suggesting he would work with the separatist party. The event was also attended by Liberal Leader Paul Martin and NDP Leader Jack Layton.
Well, it seems that the liberals have zero imagination. They ought to hire a new person to take over the creative mudslinging department.

Since it seems the Liberals will be needing someone to cap their blackmail pictures for the election, I'll provide a sample of the kind of inflammatory captions I can be best known for.
1) Harper: I don't know about you, but, I could really use a Moosehead right about now.
2) Harper and Duceppe conceive an evil plan - which bar to scare people from when they go for their drink.
3) Harper: will this guy ever shut up?
4) Harper: Did you see what Belinda did at the Parliament Christmas party? Keep her away from the interns!
5) Not even a solemn moment can stop the diabolical plans that Harper and Duceppe are hatching...
Harper: Mmmm...that bowl of poutine that person is holding looks good... five bucks says I could steal it and no one would notice.
12/28/2005 12:38:00 p.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

Poutine to the pipples of Quebec!!!
By Brian Damage, at 1:01 p.m.
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