
Reductio Ad Absurdum

Election Day 2

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I'm getting the majority of my election news from CBC and CBC Newsworld.

Federal leaders come out swinging as Jan. 23 election set

It didn't take long before the mud slinging began (especially here!)

At the forefront of this mud sling fest is Stephan 'I got a stick up my ass' Harper swinging and trying to go deep, but, can't quite make it because of his weak-kneed policies. He is also proving to be adaept at being a mindless twat...
"In the coming weeks we will unveil our plan for Canada," said Harper. That plan will include cleaning up government, reducing taxes and getting tough on crime.

"We need a government that reflects the greatness of this country," he said. "Canada need a national government that will focus on the future."

I find this ironic, because the government that Canada needs isn't the government that the Conservatives are offering us.

Further, I fail to see how the Conservatives, or rather Alliance (Reform Party, anyone?) plans to clean up the government, given that the Liberals are certainly doing a very good job cleaning up. They are also distancing themselves from their predecessor through means such as the Gomery Inquiry and cleaning up the cabinet by removing the pox that was Chretien's hand picked cronies.

Lastly, why would we want the Reform Party in power? They only have Republican-minded policies in head, which includes expanding the military and finding a way to fuck over Canada by putting us in bed with America and its screwed up, unpopular, international law violating policy. They are nothing more than ignorant rednecks who won't do the country any good.

Further, the last time we had a Conservative government at the federal level, we were given such lovely things. NAFTA which means fuck all given the lack of American willingness to oblige by an international treaty that they signed onto and ratified; GST, which was introduced to help eliminate the federal debt. It helped, but part of the promise was that it was only temporary, but it stuck.

Now take for example, the NDP, who are socially minded and have Canada's interests at heart, even if they don't have the same level of fiscal conservatism that the Liberal party has shown it can exercise when it comes to federal spending.

They also come off as being far less arrogant.
"Friends, this election is wide open," said Layton. "This election is wide open because Canadians have a real, a positive and a progressive choice, the option to choose a real alternative to the Liberal broken promises and Conservative wrong-headedness."

"Canadians can get Parliament working again. Here's how to do that: elect more New Democrats."

There is no lies here. The NDP were the only opposition party that even tried to make the government work. They had paired up with the Liberals to get something done. They had done what was needed to make Parliament work.

Yes, they jumped ship when the Liberals wouldn't give them what they wanted for healthcare. Though, let it be noted that the Liberals did make a counteroffer, which sadly fell short of NDP expectations.

Need more reason to consider the NDP? Look at the statement provided. Jack Layton does come out swinging hard for the NDP, but he's prepared to take whatever pitch is given to him. He's not just going for the homerun; he's going for whatever gets his party out there and in play.

Still looking for good reasons? What is a better reason that a socially minded one like education?

Invest in education, not tax cuts: Layton.

With education, we get more back and we can give more back than we can with a tax cut. A tax cut is only good in the short term; education is a lifetime investment and takes only a few years.
"We can't afford that kind of direction. It's the wrong priority right now," Layton said.

"What we want to see is those investments made in helping students to get an education."

Tell me how tax cuts are better and why the Conservatives would be better when they have come out swinging in favour of tax cuts and military spending, as well as attacking the Liberal mandate.

I'll resume mudslinging later when I get more information.
11/30/2005 12:40:00 p.m. :: ::
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