
Reductio Ad Absurdum

The Gaza Pullout: Further Proof Religion Makes People Morons

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The Israeli government is one government I have always been quick to criticise (That and the American one) because of it's stunningly asinine policies. However, there is one case in which I don't have an issue with this government and that is on the issue of withdrawl from the Gaza Strip and eventually West Bank (as well as Golan Heights and East Jerusalem - they are also illegally occupied).

Despite this while-intended step in the Road Map, there are plenty of right-wing religious wankjobs in Israel prepapred to grab their Torah and in a manner that would make their fanatical American Christian counterparts weep in joy, and preach about how this illegally occupied land is Biblical Land and rightfully belongs to the Jewish people. Anything to make the lives of the oppressed miserable.

The less fanatic people (and surely those who remember the 6-days war of 1967 when a young Israeli army and air force pushed back invading Arab forces and took Golan Heights, East Jersusalem, West Bank and the Gaza Strip) that there are more militaristic reasons for keeping the land. They seized it to defend themselves after being threatened.

However, a reasonable group of people would've followed the international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention and acknowledged that the Israeli Settlements were illegal. To establish these settlements, in 1948, Palestinean people were kicked from their home and land within the original 1967 Israeli borders, and forced to seek refuge and asylum.

Ok, now that we've covered history, I'm pretty sure that we don't have to touch on anything else, except this: if you believe that you have a piece of land ordained from god to you, you have a serious problem. Religion is a crutch for those who can't take reality. Religion was the creation of our primate ancestors who needed something to explain why their life sucked so much.

Nowadays, religion serves no real purpose, except to justify those narrow-minded beliefs that many people hold. Why else are the homosexuals being discriminated against; women and other people of other religions? It's all because of the interpretation of centuries-old doctrines that are often take out of context and warped to serve the purpose of the one twisting it.

So, just because the Torah says that Palestine is the land of the Chosen People (the Jews) and that it is their destiny to control it, doesn't mean jack these days. The land belongs to the earth. We belong to earth and not the other way around.
8/17/2005 10:22:00 a.m. :: ::
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