Al Qaeda's No. 2 insults Bush on new video
Monday, January 30, 2006
In a new video aired today, Al Qaeda’s No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri mocked U.S. President George W. Bush as a ``failure” in the war on terror, called him a “butcher” for killing innocent Pakistanis in a miscarried air strike and chastised the United States for rejecting Osama bin Laden’s offer of a truce.
He said the air strike in Pakistan by an unmanned Predator craft targeted himself and four of his “brothers” in Al Qaeda. Instead, he said, it killed 18 civilians — “men, women, and children” — and he called Bush “the butcher of Washington.”
Al Qaeda's No. 2 insults Bush on new videoI have zero sympathy for the cause of the terrorists (well, save for the IRA, but that is another story - damn influential upbringing!), but it doesn't stop me from believing that they may not be so stupid. After all, if they can come out and declare that President Chimpbutt is a failure... amongst other things of course. It doesn't rule out that they are the epitome of hypocrisy when it comes to screaming bloody murder when the US attacks a village of innocents in attempt to kill al-Zawahri and his renegade brothers, (can we say 'collateral damage'?). After all, they did attack innocents. 9/11 is one (but very much overused and exhausted answer).
I find it further amusing that al-Zawahri has referred to President Chimpbutt as a butcher, given that it was previously assigned to disposed Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, who once held the less-than-flattering but truth beholding title of 'Butcher of Baghdad'.
Oh and before anyone says it, you do realise that the terrorist are winning?! They are winning because you, America, remains dependant on oil because the big names refuse to lose a battle in the name of the environment. You're losing the battle because you're paranoid about attacks. Yes, the threats are there, but we've seen little proof of a second strike on the US as a follow up to 9/11; they've only struck international targets (Madrid, London...).
They are winning because they have men who are willing to give their very lives for a groundless cause. They are winning because you, America have decided that because you're the only ones who can 'spread democracy' that you can invade other countries.
You've given them a reason to fight by continually occupying Iraq. Even those who would've never dreamed of such tactics see no way out. They take up the cause because it seems to work. After all, the other nations are pulling out.
The first rule of any revolutionary/terrorist movement is to attack your enemy everyday in any way possible. You never let them forget that you exist.
The American government says that they are winning. They tell you that they may need more time, but they will catch these guys. But, those they have caught they have done nothing with and the allegations and stories that have leaked out of the Gulag-esque walls of Guatanamo and other confinements for illicit CIA activities.
These stories fuel the heart of the movement; it is the oil off which the terrorism machines operates. As long as it has a ground, it has a cause, even if the cause may seem shallow to some. But, they know their kin are being tortured at the hands of foreigners. They remember Abu Ghraib; they aren't going to forget.
They need a cause. They need a reason, any reason is good and the occupation alone is a damn good reason. You, America see them as 'insurgents' and 'terrorists'. Don't forget, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
Democracy: Results May Vary
Saturday, January 28, 2006

With democracy on the march in the Mid East, one would've expected the US to welcome it with ecstatic delirium. After all, they did set out to 'spread democracy' to that region and they had chosen to start with Iraq, which has become a quagmire of a bloodbath that would have made the 1960s IRA proud. But, that doesn't matter because Saddam Hussein isn't in power any more and they had democratic elections!
And with democracy on the march, the Yanks weren't satisfied. They had to see it make to all corners of the Mid East; after all, there was incredible success in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, which saw Ukrainian-style oustings with a complimenting deep hue orange revolution.
There was no reason to stop there. The Palestinians, now without their authoritarian leader, Yassar Arafat have turned to democratic elections. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. They gave it a good running attempt. But, of course, the will of the people isn't always apparent until after the ballots have been counted.
Polls are utterly meaningless. They are a mere sample of the opinion of voters and often due to their randomness aren't a decent representation of the opinions of the voters.
The west (aka, the US and the UK) were counting on the Fatah to win, so that they could continue to negotiate with their little lapdog, Abbas. Of course, the Palestinian people saw right through this facade and voted for Hamas, the notorious terrorist group, which made its name by bombing favourable locations throughout Tel-Aviv and various Jewish settlements.
Hamas sweeps to election victoryPreliminary results give Hamas 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, with the ruling Fatah party trailing on 43.
The win poses problems for efforts to restart peace talks with Israel, say analysts. Israel insists it will not deal with an authority including Hamas.
So, being democratically elected isn't good enough any more...
Israel wanted no more terrorism and opted for democracy and not wanting to block the elections, allowed it to go forth, but has since changed its mind simply because it disagrees with the results?
It looks like history is repeating itself...
Sinn Fein (the political branch of the IRA) was democratically elected by the Irish people in the 1920s and the English government refused to recognize it even though they were allowed to run in the elections in Ireland. This led to the violent revolution that saw the Irish forcefully declaring their independance from the English...
DDR - It's Not Just for Fun! It's Now Part of Phys Ed!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Phys Ed... many of us who weren't the athletic kids remember it as being burdensome and the class that we perfected out alibis and pathetic excuses in; the class where we learned how to fake injuries and weasel out of less than desireable activities because the athletic kids ran circles around us. In fact, many of us rejoiced when we arrived in high school because it was no longer mandatory! No more running to the sound of the buzzer drills, no more playing sports we sucked at, no more getting balls thrown at us during dodge ball and no wondering why we are the last ones picked for anything.
For this reason, we've reached the peak at which the newer and younger generations are now experiencing the negative affects of no physical education. But, what is the solution? After all, there will always be people who hate the class and find creative ways of getting out of it. These people will still feel inadequate in the face of more athletic classmates who enjoy the class as an alternative to the more academic environment that requires them to sit still and attentively listen to the teacher's lecture.
But, there is one thing that is constant through the newer generations and that is the desire to play games. Many of us wither away many hours in front of our gaming consoles and computers playing mindless games which usually don't result in better physical conditions, in fact, popular working theory is that this has contributed to the development of a lethargic generation of children who have wider asses en masse.
Surprisingly, despite its harsh stance towards certain genres of games, the US, particularly California and West Virgina have decided to capitalise on the children's love for games in order to get the flabby asses in motion.
US pupils to dance themselves fitFollowing a pilot project the video game Dance Dance Revolution will soon be installed in all the state's public schools.
The game involves a player moving their feet on a special mat to copy dance steps shown on screen.
Pupils aged 10-14 that do not like other sports will be able to take the game as an option for getting exercise.
Prof Linda Carson, who runs a project to study the health benefits of playing DDR at West Virginia University's School of Physical Education, said children aged 10 - 14 were being targeted because it was during those years that lifelong attitudes to exercise were formed.
Some schools in California were the first to use DDR, but the West Virginian project is believed to be the largest of its type.
So, even if you've got the pleasure (or displeasure) of being born with 2-left feet, at least this is one way that physical education doesn't seem so bad. At least you're not forced to run and touch lines; race against the clock, have a ball thrown at your head or worry about keeping up when playing 'soccer'. Plus, it's actually fun and who can complain about being forced to have fun?
Games: The Favourite Sacrificial Lamb in Lieu of Common Sense
Thursday, January 26, 2006
When all other options have been exhausted, what other better place to turn than to games when seeking a source upon which to place the blame to justify illegal actions on the part of a young member of this society? Or, better yet, use the games as a justification to heavily censor or even eradicate a certain genre from the shelves because some crackpot religious wank job has decided that it contributes to the inadequately named 'moral decay' and the destruction of the 'fabric of society' and that these games are sending us 'to hell in a hand basket'. (Are they any other euphemisms that I've forgot?)
Of course, there isn't just that side that likes to mention video games as a cause for one's actions or as a solution to prevent future actions because they have an odd asinine idea that because a youngster witnessed it in a game that it was a perfectly valid action that is legal in our society. There is also the media hype that surrounds it with plays a large role in helping to fuel the drive to censor games because of ideologies coming from certain media outlets based on their own pre-determined biases.
As it turns out, last night in a late night stint driven by the high levels of testosterone that make the male species prone to acts of gross stupidity, two young men, both 18 years old decided that it would be fun to take a pair of Mercedes and street race in Toronto on in a 50km/H zone going 140km/H.
In fact, here are two perfectly good articles we can use to compare how the media can hype up, based on so-called 'facts', the situation, or it can impartially report it as it was meant to.
CBC News: Taxi driver killed, teens arrested, after road race in TorontoThe Star: Cabbie killed by racing MercedesToronto police have charged two teens after a Tuesday night collision that took the life of a taxi driver.
Investigators say two vehicles were racing through city streets when the accident occurred.
One of the racing vehicles collided with the taxi. The force of the collision slammed the cab into a light pole.
CBC provides a short and brief but adequate account of what happened. They made it clear about who is at fault while not mentioning any causes. If there had been a probably cause, the police who were at the scene would've provided the answer and if it was in stride with their impartial reporting policies, CBC would've included it in the news bit about the two young men who caused the death of another with their actions.
Racing north were two Mercedes driven by 18-year-olds, each pushing 140 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, police say. Next to one driver was the popular video game Need For Speed.
As the Mercedes rounded a bend, the taxi made a left turn on to Whitehall Rd. A loud crash shattered the still of Tuesday night.
One of the Mercedes, a silver 1999 model, T-boned the taxi, drilling it into a utility pole, police say.
Khan, 46, died instantly, and the driver of the mangled Mercedes escaped with just a few scratches. The driver of the other car fled, returning to the scene after ditching his car a few blocks away, posing as a bystander, police say.
Right away, it's obvious that the impartially of the reporter has been jeopardized by the need to mention frivolous details in their report. By including minute details that turn a report on a tragic death into a descriptive play-by-play.
In reporting, sometimes it's best to not quote any one besides those who have worked with the person if seeking a personal comment about the deceased for a need to add a touch of humanity to the death and to the police for their assessment. They've been trained to deal with these situations and are the best ones to give their opinion on the matter.
"It's a horrible irony," said Det. Paul Lobsinger about the presence of the video game, which allows players to choose high-end cars and race them through city streets while being pursued by police cruisers.
"Some have said this is life imitating art but I don't know, " said Lobsinger, adding "a game is a game, but when you get behind the wheel it's reality."
Lobsinger described the game as an "ultra-violent driving simulation, fighting simulation and criminal simulation."
"But are games the cause?" he asked. "Absolutely not. But, it is rather ironic."
Police say alcohol was not a factor, and that it's not clear if the video game was played before the two went out driving.
But, in choosing quotes, the reporters have the choice on what to include and what not to include and it can change the whole impact of the story and transform how it is received by the reader. If the reporter chooses quotes that are designed to not remain impartial, the reporter has a duty to counter balance it with another professional opinion, otherwise the article is skewed in favour of one argument over another.
Interestingly, the reporter from the Toronto Star had chosen to directly quote the doctor, while paraphrasing the police. Does this mean the reporter places less confidence in the words of a professional and more into the hands of an 'expert' simply because one has more of an academic background over the other? Or is it done out of personal preference, hence overlooking a core principle of reporting?
Jim Bell, manager of Diamond Taxi, said Khan had been with the company for three years and called his death a tragedy for everyone involved.
"Those kids must be feeling absolutely terrible and the parents of these kids who were racing must be feeling devastated."
And since when is a manager of a taxi company an expert psychiatrist? Sure it makes the reporter look good because they've done their 'research', but it discredits them. Then again, by making the game the centre caused based on opinion that hasn't been justified by the police.
In this case, extreme indifference and a will to stick to JUST the facts would've helped, but when there is hype and mention of anything other than stupidity and alcohol mentioned when there is an act of violence resulting in trauma, either physical or psychological, or in death, the media brings out any mention of videos when possible. That is, they have no regard for impartiality.
Virtual Borders & Censorship
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Some governments no longer content with good old fashion book burning and mass censorship of traditional media content such as television programming and newpapers have turned their ever-growing 'wisdom' to the internet, because as we all know, people elect their government because they're too stupid to make their own rational decision and rely on an elected official to do the thinking for them.
"Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so that we don't have to think." ~ Homer Simpson
Sure it's a sufficient opiate for the mindless masses who refuse to use what intelligence 'God' has given them - Intelligent Design indeed! This is a fine argument against ID, but, that isn't the topic here, but, it was still a necessary evil to blast with the logic canon.
Censorship is a means of crippling the masses, bringing them to their knees through the use of government sanctioned ignorance and stupidity. An exemplary historic example comes from Nazi Germany, where the great minds were persecuted by the state for preaching 'UnGerman' ideas. Books were burned, intellectualism was curbed, and education as an academic pursuit was frowned upon.
Sure Nazi Germany produced one heck of a viable fighting force worthy of Spartan standards, but at a severe cost to their nation's future. When the allies arrived in Berlin in 1945, they had a generation of physically conditioned men and homely women who could survive on their wits, but they were intellectually bankrupt due to years of censorship and the mass exodus by academic professors.
This is from the same war that witnessed the development of technology, providing the gateway for the technological boom experienced less than fifty years later.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
The Japanese weren't giving up, so we invited the nuclear bomb.
We needed to decipher the German code, so we got the first computers, though rudimentary in their abilities, could perform basic tasks, which justified their existence.
No one could've phantom the computer's incredible evolution to the point of a simple desktop being available in many households and a laptop at the disposal of many young folks and in the hands of affluent businesspersons. But, the sheer numbers isn't enough to justify ownership, nor is the abilities of these machines a driving factor in ownership, but rather a virtual feature one can't touch - the internet.
The internet - a vast resource of knowledge databases, social gatherings, gaming options to escape reality and other endeavors to appease the diminutive attention span of the average human being.
The knowledge databases stem from the most basic of user-made pages on a topic they feel they are an expert in to the revered academic pages of the universities who have provided their academic theories for the betterment of the world. It includes and isn't limited to, news...
News sites like the BBC, CBC...
The BBC is one of the most popular and impartial new sources available on the internet. It isn't just news; it's more. It's a vast database of history, contemporary and academic information, intellectual discussions between readers, programmes and language options.
It has increased its longevity by providing services in a multitude of languages, including Persian, the language of Iran and surrounding regions.
But, this doesn't help. In fact, the Iranian government has decided on an arbitrary clamp down.
Iran blocks BBC Persian websiteObjective? State imposed and sanctioned ignorance allows for the cruel and the extreme fundamentalists to rule with an ironfist because the hunger for knowledge on the part of the masses has been satiated by censorship under the guise of being liberal.
By shrouding the eyes of millions, you can lead them to believe what you do. Ignorance makes minds soft and malleable. These minds are clouded by naïveté rivalling that of an innocent child. The minds of children are 'pure' from influence and easy to mould into what is desired by parents and educators. Such objectives can be obtained with adults through censorship and propoganda.
The Chinese 'communist' government can espouse this. After all, democracy is affront to their manifesto and everything Chairman Mao fought diligently for, SARS (yeah, it happened, but it really didn't happen like that...) and the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre is an exaggeration by western powers.
For thsi reason, they have barred the liberal search engine
Google from supplying their citizenry with knowledge because it would be contrary to what they have been preaching all these years and it may expose their ignorance and shortcomings.
Google moves 'black day' for China.
Its e-mail, chat room and blogging services will not be available because of concerns the government could demand users' personal information.
The company argues it can play a more useful role in China by participating than by boycotting it, despite the compromises involved.
Even if they did give into censorship, they are providing a level of privacy that is consistent with their current policies that have stemmed from their fight against the US Department of 'Justice', headed by Alberto Gonzales (another right-wing prat without an ounze of common sense; his morality could fill a thimble).
Google defies US over search dataConclusion? Governments are a waste of time; Anarchy and Libertarianism are looking more and more attractive these days as a viable complimentary alternative to my socialist views.
Caeci caecos ducentes
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Despite that we elect our leaders and politicians, no matter what happens, there is one truth that remains constant through this: politicians and leaders are retards unless it was your candidate who got into power.
Caeci caecos ducentes -- Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead.
I say this given the very tragic fact that about 36% of 'Canadians' (since it's apparent they don't value the rich cultural and social heritage our nation possesses) have elected to squander their vote on the ignorance that is the religious right. They have foolishly allowed for the sheppard to herd the sheep down the path of "righteous" destruction.
The schism between voters is obvious in
the numbers. The divisiveness wouldn't been such an issue if there was a more traditional party like the Progressive Conservatives around (back in a time when Clark was the leader of the PC and the modern Conservatives were the ragtag Reform/Alliance Party (alias CCRAP) under Preston Manning then Stockwell Day). The sheer audacity of the CPC to use the name of Conservative has demonstrated that they perceive the average voter to be a complete inept git who doesn't know the difference between left and right.
Given that the great rift between the common choice for voters, it seems that this temporary shift to the right will be short lived, despite promises from Mr. Layton and Mr. Duccepe that they won't force another election. The Liberals meanwhile really are on no position, despite their numbers to force it, as they are now without the most crucial element to any party, a leader.
Martin to quit as Liberal leader.
I hope you're pleased with yourself, Canada. Mr. Martin was a fine Prime Minister. He did what he could amidst the controversy shroding the Liberal Party that is a remanants of the Chretien administration legacy. Mr. Martin may have been a politician and not always the most honest, but, he had a certain level of sincerity and humanity to him.
But, that wasn't good enough. Instead you picked the leader who has the charisma of a plastic plate and the smile of a sheep in wolf's clothing, waiting on its prey; ready to pounce. That smile has hidden the right-wing agenda that has been denied for so long. That agenda includes the much despised Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system that the Bush Administration and its Neo-con Republican Congress and Senate is adamant about establishing on sovereign Canadian soil.
Folks who cherish the right to choose marriage regardless of sexual orientation are being out back into the fire because the religious right doesn't approve of equal rights for all unless you're a heterosexual couple procreating in the missionary position as dictated by the Bible....
And doesn't peace typically go hand in hand with religion, especially religions like Christianity, which the core centre for the beliefs that members of the Conservatives wrap themselves in as they appeal to the lowest common demoninator?
Of course, it isn't. It's even more Christian to go to war. Forget what Jesus said, he's just some dude who lived 2,000 years ago and was the founder of most of Christianity's core principles and beliefs. It's so dated; the new way for Christians is war and what better way to put this into practice than to wage war on some country that has what you want?
That Iraq War? We'd be losing our men and women to a worthless cause; on a groundless point because there was zero merit in the intelligence data to warrant this illegal war. The War in Iraq is a direct violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. It was never justified.
Which all parties in Canada are now aware of. It took 2 years for the 'Tories' to educate themselves on this and now they are saying that they wouldn't. Well, it seems that they've taken a page from the Liberal Red Book on hypocrisy.
Our rights? Come back when we have a real party that can protect us. But right now, we can kiss 'em goodbye 'cause they're going to be sent to the gas chambers for 'cleansing'.
Of course, that is if any of the other parties buy into the 'Tory' line of thinking. With the impending throne speech, I don't see much being accomplished, another than another round of petty arguing and other impediments that stop the democratic process. The 'Tories' don't really have enough seats to do any significant damage. Everything they do has to go through the separatist-liberal-social filter before it can even be considered for a vote.
I predict another election in less than two years...
The Faces of Future Voters
Friday, January 20, 2006
You know, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words and it is proven time and time again to be true when one takes a gander at election pictures from the photo-ops on the campaign trail.
All the pictures used are provided by CBC News,
CBC - Decision 2006 and CP.
Our first in the set...

Four-year-old Connor pays attention to a photographer while Liberal Leader Paul Martin visits a day care in Ajax, Ont., on Thursday, Jan. 19. (CP Photo/Paul Chiasson; CBC News)
It's never too early to convert the young voters of Canada. Some, however aren't easily convinced, and it's hard to miss the young voters who are already irritated with the political process. He may be able to charm the ladies, but the men don't like it, and it seems like Mr. Martin is trying to charm this young fellow's first crush. Either that, or the kid is just plain bored. We knew politicians were boring, but...
Next in our offerings...

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper smiles at nine-month-old Jessica Weiss during a campaign stop in Waterdown, Ont., on Thursday, Jan 19. (CP Photo/Tom Hanson; CBC News)
This is smiling? It looks like this neo-con is contemplating a yummy snack with a side of chubby infant. Or, if it is a smile, this young lass isn't very impressed, in fact, one might be led to believe that this little one may be contemplating just how much she would like to projectile vomit her formula all over his 'casual' business attire. Irregardless, it's quite the puffer fish impression she's mastered.
Coming around to the left...

NDP Leader Jack Layton greets a young supporter during a campaign stop in Edmonton on Wednesday, Jan. 18. (CP Photo/Andrew Vaughan; CBC News)
A freshing change and indicative of the fresh ideas that the NDP are sporting this season, a young voter displays neither a desire to upchuck or sheer boredom. Perhaps charisma isn't just for wooing Canadian women voters any more. Or, it could be that this kid has a promise of a new X-Box 360 if he pretends he enjoys it. If he is acting, this kid has a future in either Hollywood or politics.
And last, separating himself from the rest...

Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe speaks to a four-year-old boy during Berber New Year celebrations on Saturday, Jan. 14, in Montreal. (CP Photo/Jacques Boissinot; CBC News)
This kid might have a future as either a political pundit or a thinktank in the Bloc, because this kid is sparking quite the expression on Mr Duccepe's face. Even at such a tender age, this strapping young voter knows what he wants and has no qualms about telling an adult how to do his job. He may even have some fresh ideas, such as the four points he's telling Mr Duceppe about.
Dangerous Liaison
Friday, January 13, 2006
Canadians know what they want and what they don't want and according to most polls, we don't want the debate on homosexual marriage re-opened and we don't want to join Missile Defense. In fact, we were quite relieved, for the most part when incumbant Prime Minister Paul Martin didn't prove to be weak-kneed to American pressure.
We thought that because of this we had heard the last of it, but it seems that we had been lulled into a false of security. Why? One of the candidates vying for the position of Prime Minister, Harper, has decided that he'll ignore what Canadians want, since he doesn't actually give a damn about popular opinion; after all, he did force an election through.
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper says he's ready to reopen the debate over Canadian participation in the American missile defence system.
The missile defence initiative, combined yesterday with a Harper pledge to turn his back on the Kyoto accord and his refusal to endorse a $5 billion deal for aboriginal aid, could signal the type of major policy realignment Canadians can expect under a Harper government.
Reopen missile defense: HarperApart from the aboriginal portion (a position all parties ought to adopt, since none of the current/newer generations should pay reparations to those who were physically/mentally traumatised in 'residential school'. We had nothing to do with it, in fact, those of us under 25 likely couldn't have voted when it mattered, so it's pointless to make us pay.), everything else coming from the CPC is frightening. The Kyoto Accord, even if it is seemingly steep in its aims is for the betterment of the world, and should be kept, and Missile Defense is just a... bad idea to begin with.
His insistance to reopen it proves he has no consideration for the average Canadian...
Oh and the subheadline for the article I've linked is this.
Harper woos `working families'
Says he relates to middle class
Which doies nothing other than to highlight the sheer ignorace and mind-numbing hypcrisy of the CPC. Sure, some people are fooled, but, I'm sure the affair will be over once people witness the sacred democratic nation we have fall to shambles as the fundamentalists' agenda is put into practice...
But, then again... why vote for the Liberals? They had their chance and took too long.
The evil you know or the evil you don't know?
Or the third possibility - the NDP...? Or... even a fourth, the Green?
Revenge of the Attack Ads
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Well, it's that time; the time when we reach a critical point in the political campaign. It's the time when the parties decide that being civil just isn't enough to win over voters. This is when they bring out their AK-45s and replace their sling slots.
But, who can blame them?
Polls conducted by random companies via sampling are enough to create a panic in the eyes of any party, whether they are in the position of incumbant or rival candidate.
At this point, all parties need something to come out ahead of the others, then what better way is there than to to attack your opponants below the belt? After all, budgets are reaching breaking point and only cheap tactics won't make or break the party's fund.
The Star: Rate the Political AdsSince the mute button is very popular during commercial breaks for a lot of people, most people wouldn't have heard nor would've felt an inclination to watch the ads that our political parties are squandering money on in order to buy our votes, I've provided a link for you.
It has most of the recent ads that have made their way, unfortunately, onto our televisions during prime-time.
The only ads which aren't offensive are the 2 NDP ones and the one in which the Liberals draw comparisons between the Ontario Harris Conservatives and Harper's Conservatives.
If anyone knows anything about the Liberal Party history and current history, then they know that the CPC's Gomery-based ad in which they used quotes from his findings, are inaccurate because the Liberal party under Chretien started this BS back in 1992, and Martin was Finance Minister starting in 1995. The job of the Finance Minister isn't to monitor HOW money is spent, but to figure how much to put into each section of the federal budget and balance the national budget. The accountability lies with the Auditor General, whos is supposed to check up on how the money is being spent when it reaches its destination. Of course, they also ignore that the Gomery Inquiry was started by Martin, that Gomery exonerated Martin and that Martin got rid of those associated with the previous Liberal regime.
If we really wanted to use smear tactics based on previous regimes, we could paint the CPC with the tar brush from the Mulroney era that saw the introduction of GST and NAFTA, as well as other ideas based on the concepts embraced by those who love the inappropriately named 'Common Sense Revolution'.