
Reductio Ad Absurdum

Al Qaeda's No. 2 insults Bush on new video

Monday, January 30, 2006


In a new video aired today, Al Qaeda’s No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri mocked U.S. President George W. Bush as a ``failure” in the war on terror, called him a “butcher” for killing innocent Pakistanis in a miscarried air strike and chastised the United States for rejecting Osama bin Laden’s offer of a truce.
He said the air strike in Pakistan by an unmanned Predator craft targeted himself and four of his “brothers” in Al Qaeda. Instead, he said, it killed 18 civilians — “men, women, and children” — and he called Bush “the butcher of Washington.”

Al Qaeda's No. 2 insults Bush on new video

I have zero sympathy for the cause of the terrorists (well, save for the IRA, but that is another story - damn influential upbringing!), but it doesn't stop me from believing that they may not be so stupid. After all, if they can come out and declare that President Chimpbutt is a failure... amongst other things of course. It doesn't rule out that they are the epitome of hypocrisy when it comes to screaming bloody murder when the US attacks a village of innocents in attempt to kill al-Zawahri and his renegade brothers, (can we say 'collateral damage'?). After all, they did attack innocents. 9/11 is one (but very much overused and exhausted answer).

I find it further amusing that al-Zawahri has referred to President Chimpbutt as a butcher, given that it was previously assigned to disposed Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, who once held the less-than-flattering but truth beholding title of 'Butcher of Baghdad'.

Oh and before anyone says it, you do realise that the terrorist are winning?! They are winning because you, America, remains dependant on oil because the big names refuse to lose a battle in the name of the environment. You're losing the battle because you're paranoid about attacks. Yes, the threats are there, but we've seen little proof of a second strike on the US as a follow up to 9/11; they've only struck international targets (Madrid, London...).

They are winning because they have men who are willing to give their very lives for a groundless cause. They are winning because you, America have decided that because you're the only ones who can 'spread democracy' that you can invade other countries.

You've given them a reason to fight by continually occupying Iraq. Even those who would've never dreamed of such tactics see no way out. They take up the cause because it seems to work. After all, the other nations are pulling out.

The first rule of any revolutionary/terrorist movement is to attack your enemy everyday in any way possible. You never let them forget that you exist.

The American government says that they are winning. They tell you that they may need more time, but they will catch these guys. But, those they have caught they have done nothing with and the allegations and stories that have leaked out of the Gulag-esque walls of Guatanamo and other confinements for illicit CIA activities.

These stories fuel the heart of the movement; it is the oil off which the terrorism machines operates. As long as it has a ground, it has a cause, even if the cause may seem shallow to some. But, they know their kin are being tortured at the hands of foreigners. They remember Abu Ghraib; they aren't going to forget.

They need a cause. They need a reason, any reason is good and the occupation alone is a damn good reason. You, America see them as 'insurgents' and 'terrorists'. Don't forget, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
1/30/2006 05:34:00 p.m. :: ::
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