Dangerous Liaison
Friday, January 13, 2006
Canadians know what they want and what they don't want and according to most polls, we don't want the debate on homosexual marriage re-opened and we don't want to join Missile Defense. In fact, we were quite relieved, for the most part when incumbant Prime Minister Paul Martin didn't prove to be weak-kneed to American pressure.We thought that because of this we had heard the last of it, but it seems that we had been lulled into a false of security. Why? One of the candidates vying for the position of Prime Minister, Harper, has decided that he'll ignore what Canadians want, since he doesn't actually give a damn about popular opinion; after all, he did force an election through.
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper says he's ready to reopen the debate over Canadian participation in the American missile defence system.
The missile defence initiative, combined yesterday with a Harper pledge to turn his back on the Kyoto accord and his refusal to endorse a $5 billion deal for aboriginal aid, could signal the type of major policy realignment Canadians can expect under a Harper government.
Reopen missile defense: Harper
Apart from the aboriginal portion (a position all parties ought to adopt, since none of the current/newer generations should pay reparations to those who were physically/mentally traumatised in 'residential school'. We had nothing to do with it, in fact, those of us under 25 likely couldn't have voted when it mattered, so it's pointless to make us pay.), everything else coming from the CPC is frightening. The Kyoto Accord, even if it is seemingly steep in its aims is for the betterment of the world, and should be kept, and Missile Defense is just a... bad idea to begin with.
His insistance to reopen it proves he has no consideration for the average Canadian...
Oh and the subheadline for the article I've linked is this.
Harper woos `working families'
Says he relates to middle class
Which doies nothing other than to highlight the sheer ignorace and mind-numbing hypcrisy of the CPC. Sure, some people are fooled, but, I'm sure the affair will be over once people witness the sacred democratic nation we have fall to shambles as the fundamentalists' agenda is put into practice...
But, then again... why vote for the Liberals? They had their chance and took too long.
The evil you know or the evil you don't know?
Or the third possibility - the NDP...? Or... even a fourth, the Green?
1/13/2006 09:21:00 a.m. ::
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A.I. :: Permalink

You're absolutely right that the Conservatives have no consideration for the desires of Canada's middle class. It's my opinion that any Canadians who are in favour of missile defence think that way because they want to improve relations with the USA - namely, rich businessey types with much to lose over political ethics.
A scary thought occured to me recently, as it does before every election. What is the most powerful way to vote? By voting for the party you truly believe in, or voting for the better of the juggernauts?
"I believe I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate." - audience member at a presidential debate
"Go ahead! Throw your vote away!" - Kodos
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