
Reductio Ad Absurdum

Caeci caecos ducentes

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Despite that we elect our leaders and politicians, no matter what happens, there is one truth that remains constant through this: politicians and leaders are retards unless it was your candidate who got into power.

Caeci caecos ducentes -- Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead.

I say this given the very tragic fact that about 36% of 'Canadians' (since it's apparent they don't value the rich cultural and social heritage our nation possesses) have elected to squander their vote on the ignorance that is the religious right. They have foolishly allowed for the sheppard to herd the sheep down the path of "righteous" destruction.

The schism between voters is obvious in the numbers. The divisiveness wouldn't been such an issue if there was a more traditional party like the Progressive Conservatives around (back in a time when Clark was the leader of the PC and the modern Conservatives were the ragtag Reform/Alliance Party (alias CCRAP) under Preston Manning then Stockwell Day). The sheer audacity of the CPC to use the name of Conservative has demonstrated that they perceive the average voter to be a complete inept git who doesn't know the difference between left and right.

Given that the great rift between the common choice for voters, it seems that this temporary shift to the right will be short lived, despite promises from Mr. Layton and Mr. Duccepe that they won't force another election. The Liberals meanwhile really are on no position, despite their numbers to force it, as they are now without the most crucial element to any party, a leader.

Martin to quit as Liberal leader.

I hope you're pleased with yourself, Canada. Mr. Martin was a fine Prime Minister. He did what he could amidst the controversy shroding the Liberal Party that is a remanants of the Chretien administration legacy. Mr. Martin may have been a politician and not always the most honest, but, he had a certain level of sincerity and humanity to him.

But, that wasn't good enough. Instead you picked the leader who has the charisma of a plastic plate and the smile of a sheep in wolf's clothing, waiting on its prey; ready to pounce. That smile has hidden the right-wing agenda that has been denied for so long. That agenda includes the much despised Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system that the Bush Administration and its Neo-con Republican Congress and Senate is adamant about establishing on sovereign Canadian soil.

Folks who cherish the right to choose marriage regardless of sexual orientation are being out back into the fire because the religious right doesn't approve of equal rights for all unless you're a heterosexual couple procreating in the missionary position as dictated by the Bible....

And doesn't peace typically go hand in hand with religion, especially religions like Christianity, which the core centre for the beliefs that members of the Conservatives wrap themselves in as they appeal to the lowest common demoninator?

Of course, it isn't. It's even more Christian to go to war. Forget what Jesus said, he's just some dude who lived 2,000 years ago and was the founder of most of Christianity's core principles and beliefs. It's so dated; the new way for Christians is war and what better way to put this into practice than to wage war on some country that has what you want?

That Iraq War? We'd be losing our men and women to a worthless cause; on a groundless point because there was zero merit in the intelligence data to warrant this illegal war. The War in Iraq is a direct violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. It was never justified.

Which all parties in Canada are now aware of. It took 2 years for the 'Tories' to educate themselves on this and now they are saying that they wouldn't. Well, it seems that they've taken a page from the Liberal Red Book on hypocrisy.

Our rights? Come back when we have a real party that can protect us. But right now, we can kiss 'em goodbye 'cause they're going to be sent to the gas chambers for 'cleansing'.

Of course, that is if any of the other parties buy into the 'Tory' line of thinking. With the impending throne speech, I don't see much being accomplished, another than another round of petty arguing and other impediments that stop the democratic process. The 'Tories' don't really have enough seats to do any significant damage. Everything they do has to go through the separatist-liberal-social filter before it can even be considered for a vote.

I predict another election in less than two years...
1/24/2006 01:00:00 p.m. :: ::
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