Rot in Hell! - Israel is a Terrorist like Hezbollah
On July 17th, the day before the mass exodus had truly begun, Israel displayed its standard disregard for human life when it launched an air strike on Lebannon killing a family of seven.Seven Canadians, all members of the same Montreal family, were killed in an Israeli air strike in Lebanon yesterday.
Canadian family dies in attack

Members of Montreal's Lebanese community, attending a peace rally in Montreal July 18, gather around mock coffins representing Canadians killed in Lebanon.
How is killing Canadians putting pressure on Hezbollah?
The bombing of the Canadian family came hours after a salvo of some 20 long-range Hezbollah rockets descended upon the Israeli port city of Haifa, killing eight Israelis in the deadliest attack of its kind since hostilities flared on Wednesday.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed "far-reaching consequences" for the Haifa attack, Hezbollah's deadliest strike ever on Israel. The morning barrage of rockets came after Israeli warplanes unleashed their heaviest strikes yet on Beirut, flattening apartment buildings and blowing up a power station to cut electricity to swaths of the capital.
"Far-reaching"? So, this means you're killing EVERYONE in the way and only issuing a warnin for civilians to leave after you've killed them with your rockets. Disgusting, just disgusting.
Oh and how is the killing of Canadians revenge for the killing of Israelis from a Hebollah rocket attack? It's not! It's pure disregard.
As much as I despise terrorists groups, at least they haven't targetted foreigners as of yet, and Israeli who's supposed to be "compassionate" and the like has shunned the shackles of common sense and allowed for their bellicose policies.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered his condolences to the families of the victims but he refused to criticise Israel or question its use of force.
And, Canada's leading asshole of a Prime Minister won't even condemn the attacks or criticise them! He doesn't give a damn about Canadians who probably didn't vote for him...
Canada's shock at Lebanon deaths
But friends and relatives of the Canadians killed in the Israeli air strike have accused the Conservative prime minister of not doing enough to protect Canadians in Lebanon.
They also accused Mr Harper of not caring about civilian lives.
Who can blame them? Harper isn't worthy of the position of Prime Minister.
So, the lives of everyone else is worthless because two damn soldiers were kidnapped?
Yesterday's most destructive attack came in the southern port city of Tyre, where Israeli warplanes struck a Lebanese civil defence building with rockets, tearing off the top three storeys, killing at least nine civilians and wounding 42, security officials said.
Now, tell me that Israel is attempting to minimise collateral damage. They aren't! They're deliberately targetting civilians.
I'd expect it from a terrorists group, not from a "democracy"... So, I guess this makes Israel's army a state-sanctioned terrorist group like Hamas, Hezbollah and many others.
Ottawa prepares exodus
Prepares?? This is precisely why I voted for the NDP, or would even accept the Liberals being in power - the Conservatives are immature and have no idea what to do in a time of crisis! Bring back the Liberals and Dan Teague who did something right the last time we had to get Canadians home!
The damn government waited too long! It waited until seven fellow Canadians suffered at the hands of Israel's warplanes.
Oust the minority government!
As of 7AM local time: Canada has 16 (citizens) aboard Italian warship to Cyprus; Canada is chartering 6 ships to begin 4,500 evacuations tomorrow. At least 50,000 Canadians are in Lebanon.

I find so many things annoying about this situation.
"The green light has been given for what could become the biggest evacuation of stranded Canadians in history...
The move comes after eight Canadians — all members of the same Montreal family — were killed in an Israeli strike...
The wait was especially difficult with television news reports showing other countries — France, Italy, Britain, the U.S., Sweden and Denmark — already starting to evacuate their citizens by air and sea."
Wasn't this obviously inevitable? That's been my biggest problem with the Conservatives ever since the election campaign. They're all about waiting for something bad to happen and then taking less meaningful action once it's too late. This is the case with increased gun penalties with no more education or assistance to low income families, and it's the same thing in the middle east. Harper tries to ride out the storm, hoping it will settle itself, and if not he rides up in his bulletproof car and waves to the nice people from his glass bubble.
I'm also annoyed that Israel is indiscriminanty shooting all over the place. Hezbollah attacked Israel's soldiers so Israel is attacking civilians? Keep it in your pants, Israel.
And finally, I'm annoyed by the irony of the situation - an "exodus" AWAY FROM the tyranny of Israel.
Yeah, a "green light" and yet, only 16 had been evacuated by a certain point out of 50,000?
They're neo-cons; they thrive off people's misery.
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