10 Top Goofs Interns Make
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
"Internships are becoming more important as an entrypoint to the working world. Here are the top mistakes interns make, and how to avoid them."read more | digg story
Normally, I don't put stories from digg on my blog, but, this one is interesting.
I, do, however, find that the title is misleading, as these are mistake that veteran workers in any company could easily make.
There are a few that I think apply across the board. I picked these ones because I rememeber one or both of my parents talking about the topics in relation to work and despite their years at the office, they seem to make these mistakes, as do their colleagues.
Think you're immune to these mistake types just because you're not an intern?
1. THE ENTITLEMENT SYNDROME - No matter how long you've been working, you still have to show up for work at the same time, take your lunch break at lunch and leave at the designated time. Of course, many people get lax here.
3. FORGETTING TO UNPLUGs - This asks for people to be more formal with emails, however, even older workers forget about that when they send distasteful forwards that may or may not wind up in the office circulation pool and wind up in the boss's email.
4. BEING A WALLFLOWER - Some people are just naturally shy and this can show easily when an older worker is switched to another department, where he or she may not know anyone.
5. DUCKING THE EXTRACURRICULARS - Some avoid these activities because they may hate the people they work with and hate being forced to spend more time with them... What's your excuse for being anti-social?
6. GRUNTING ABOUT GRUNT WORK - So, it's beneath you to do photocopying just because you're not hired as an administrative assistant?
10. WASTING TIME - Demodulated. The person who runs this blog is supposed to be at work and being productive, but, instead, this person chooses to blog. While this could apply to one of the other mistakes, this I feel is a good example of "wasting time". Take a look at the date and times for the blog entries. The majority are done when this person ought to have been working.