USA: The Nuclear Threat
Monday, April 17, 2006
In the case of The World vs The United States of America, the Crown Prosecution will now present its evidence that will not only overwhelmingly demonstrate that the US is not only hording massive stock piles of Nuclear Weapons and an array of WMDs, that it is an immediate threat to the world's safety with it's so-called 'War on Terror'.Aside from the Former Soviet Union, which is now the Federated States of Russia, with its moderate nuclear strength there is only one other country in the entire world with a greater and extremely destructive nuclear capacity and it is the United States of America.

They are followed in the distance by China, France and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. With two stragglers at the end, barely having 100 nukes between the two of them.
The newest so-called threat, after Iraq, since Iraq has been "neutralised" following an "Accomplished Mission" in Iraq that saw the defeat of Saddam Hussein and his mystical WMD, is Iran.
Before the war, Iraq had been without weapons since 1991 and the entire program was demantled by 1996 and in an investigation by Hans Blix and the UN in 2003, they found no trace of any of the so-called WMD that the Bush Administration repeatedly contended exist in Iraq, much like the link between Iraq and al-Qaeda.
Three years later, there are terrorists running amok, no signs of the WMD and a country left in shambles, all because the USA suffered from a bout of small penis syndrome.
Next on their radar is Iran.
Even if Iran could develop the weapons, the US and Russia both have the capacity to keep the "rogue" nation in check. But, as it stands, there is no real sign that Iran intends to develop such weapons, but rather, they want to use nuclear power as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Editorial cartoon by Patrick Corrigan
The US is worried about Iran getting nuclear weapons. I think we should be worried about the US having the weapons in the first place. They have the capacity to destroy the world and expect to be able to do so unopposed.
During the Cold War, the presence of such weapons in the USSR and the USA kept both nations in check. Just the knowledge was enough to fuel paranoia thnat could only otherwise be triggered by carefully calculated propoganda.
Further, as they are "worried" that Iran might attack Israel, we forget that Israel has an undisclosed nuclear capacity, which they have to this day, refused to comment on.
They were able to demonstrate their military strength during the 6 Days War.
Six-Day War
They not only held their own, but they took what are still known as the 'Occupied Palestinean Territories'. Then, surely if Tehran was such a threat and did point one of its nukes at Israel, Israel could certainly reply in kind...
So, why does the US hang onto its nukes? It's small penis syndrome. They're the schoolyard bully. It's state sanctioned terrorism that they accuse rogue nations of supporting. Bullying isn't physical, it's also psychological. Threatening action is bullying, just as conducting the threatening action is bullying.
As the 'insurgents' go out to suicide bomb military check points, the governments take their words out to accomplish the same objective.
Nuclear Weapon Programs Worldwide
List of countries with nuclear weapons
The victorious write the history.