Hits & Popularity: Overrated
Popularity and hits are overrated, when it comes to blogs and websites.Yes, it's a good way of knowing how well you're known, but outside of that, it isn't that important. What matters more us reader loyalty and content. Having a blog that is nothing but blithering nonsense that gets a lot of hits isn't as satisfying as having a thought-provoking and sometimes ranty-blog that has a niche of loyal readers.
Google Analytics
I use Google Analytics. It is a way of tracking who comes to read my blog. I don't use it for the numbers because they're meaningless statistics. The only relevenat numbers are those which tell me the common browser platform and screen resolution. It helps me scale my images here to accomadate the common denominator.
The numbers are of no matter to me because I've always hated popularity contests and being popular because it says that I must conform, and I don't conform. I prefer to express myself freely rather than write what the majority would like to see me write.
That being said, no, I'm not abandoning this blog, I'm just making it clear why I don't care what negative people think. If they don't like what I have to say, then they don't have to come here and read what I write.

Yes, at first it's fun to see the numbers, but, after a while, they just become a blur.
I've learned something about some readers - people will praise total shit and ignore quality. Why? They don't know how to appreciate the finer elements of writing and so, thus, take to the lowest quality because it is all they can handle. This applies to almost everything, be it blogs, newspapers, news sites, novels, and even fanfiction.
I'm content with the reader who can appreciate quality rather than a gaggle who prefer mind0numbing drival.

I like your blog because you write for your most important audience - yourself! Popular blogs erode integrity because they pay too much attention to their numeric statistics and they start leaning toward the most popular topics and ways of reporting.
Keep on ranting just for Ai and I'll keep on reading!
I agree with you that numbers aren't everything, but you'll have to agree with me that there's more to Google Analytics. Take for instance the visitors map. I've seen things like it, but that option is quite funny/interesting. You can't use it for anything but it's always nice to see where your readers are coming from.
Looking at the searchterms by which people get here is also interesting. Someone queries some words and end up at a post you wrote years ago.
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