
Reductio Ad Absurdum

Canada: It's Your Patriotic Duty to be an Asshole

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


NO Deep integration!

So, why the title, you might ask.

Well. The Harper government believes that we should be more friendly with the US and establish greater relations with them. In fact, integrate further with them and help the two nations become closer, through economic, foreign and domestic policy, all which seek to erode our basic right to national sovereignty, free of American influence. Our policies ought to be set for what Canadians want; not what a bunch of brainless hicks from the White House.

So, why be an asshole you ask.

Well, by being an asshole, you're being a true Canadian patriot. It is your duty to oppose any move to integrate the two economies, if not three, if you also taken into consideration the Mexicans to the south.

You can be an asshole by not wanting to join in such charades and speaking out against the government, which would love to engage in fearmongering tactics in order to fulfill its neo-conservative agenda, hellbent on dismantling the Canada we know and love, even if that relationship in recent years has been a little rocky.

Being a Canadian patriot means realising that NAFTA is a load of horse shit designs to screw over the average Canuck. Chapter 11 of NAFTA does just that!

NAFTA - Chapter 11 Part 1

And you know who greatly opposes NAFTA and increasingly this particular section? A sitting member of the Canadian House of Commons, Jack Layton, author of Speaking Out: Ideas That Work For Canadians. His books outlines his policies which are pure Canadian; ideas and theories that are thought of by a Canadian with Canadians in mind. And yet, his party doesn't get more support because we're led to believe that the NDP don't know what Canadians want, when in fact, they are the only ones who inceasingly seem to.

Being a Canadian patriot means being a complete tool when it comes to your census.

Yes, the due date past, but, if you're like me, you probably did something stupid on your census, like NOT fill it out online but stuck with the old pen and paper method, filling in the form creatively, while making it harder for the machine (provided by US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin).
5/17/2006 11:08:00 a.m. :: ::
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