The Great Wall of Israeli Ignorance
Monday, May 15, 2006
Court upholds Israeli spouse banYou're Israeli; so, according to Israeli law, you're permitted to be the world's biggest racist asshole and no one can stop you because you're a Jew and your family was supposedly part of the Holocaust and you're now being threatened by those big scary raghead camel jockeys across over in Saudi Arabia.
While you're at it, forget about fostering tolerance; we can't have Arabs with the same rights because then we can't lock them away in West Bank, garnish their salaries and refuse to give them back their money that was taken under the guise of "taxation".
You cannot live in Israel because we all know that all Arabs are terrorists by birth.
The government says the law, passed at a time of rising violence in 2002, is based on security concerns.
Ok, so, if someone marries an Israeli, despite that they are showing that they don't care about the religious and ethnic differences, they cannot move into Israel because they are a "security" risk simply because of their ethnicity?
But the Israeli state says the recent election victory of the militant group Hamas strengthened its case that Palestinians were a security risk and should not be allowed into the country.
State-sanctioned discrimination at its finest.
So, just because the majority of the asshole in your country decides that they want to vote in some terrorist, it by presumed association makes everyone a terrorist, even that little zygote who was recently conceived; we can't take chances here.
So, because a segment the Palestinian population democratically elected Hamas, it must mean that they are all terrorists, just as all Americans are ignorant Bible-thumping rednecks who drive pickup trucks, pride themselves on being morbidly obese and answer to the name of either Bubba or Mary-Sue because 51% of the approximately 55% (122,293,720) voters who turned out voted to keep the Republicans in office. Despite this, there are 174,800,000 registered voters and 221,256,931 who are eligible.
Sure, voter turn out in Palestine was much higher; 74.6%-76.0% in the Gaza Strip and 73.1% in the West Bank, but, that doesn't mean anything, or does it? It could very well mean that the Palestinians are embracing democracy in a new form.

[Source: Wiki: Palestinian legislative election, 2006]
So, only ~44% (440,600) of the Palestinians, who are of voting age, actually voted for Hamas, versus the ~40% (410, 550) who voted for Fatah, and as a result, the population as a whole is viewed as a threat?
No wonder Israel and America get along so well...